A Bloody Past

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"We're all clear." Celeste said, staring at the blood smearing up their hands and arms, like a set of long red gloves.

"It was too easy..." Black whispered, staring at his clawed bloody hands. "Why was it so easy to kill them all...?" Tears stung his eyes. "I didn't want to kill them..."

"They left us no choice." She grabbed Black's hand, pulling him forwards. "Not to mention, your power as a Changeling..."

"What about my Changeling Ability?"

"It hungers for blood." Celeste explained. "Powerful Abilities come with drawbacks." She said, pulling him around another corner.

"Do you have any clue where we're going?!"

"Somewhere far away from here, first!" She yelled, sprinting out onto the oddly empty backstreet, pulling Black behind her. "We'll make our way towards Blagmoor from there."

"Should we wash our hands?!" Black asked, just as they sprinted out onto a much busier road.

"No time!"

"People are staring!"

"Let them-!"

A hand slammed into Celeste's stomach, sending her sprawling backwards. "And where do you think you're going?" A woman stared down at them, glaring intently at the boy who was still standing. "I see you've both managed to slip your leads..."

Black snarled.

"Come back quietly, unless you want to cause a scene." She folded her arms, watching as Celeste climbed back to her feet.

"I guess we'll be causing a scene." Celeste said, tearing into the nearest person surrounding them, not caring as everyone else on the street started screaming.

Black soon joined in, an odd grin forming on his face as his body rippled, black and white fur forming, paws replacing his hands and feet. A black and white striped tail waved through the air, sharp white teeth snapping dangerously as they tore through skin and bone.

It wasn't long before Black was back in human form, staring at the mangled corpses around them, his eyes and hair still a silvery grey as he stared at the amount of pure carnage he and Celeste had unleashed.

"That's probably quelled your bloodlust for quite a while..." Celeste said, staring at the boy who was now splattered with blood. "I bet you're grateful that your clothes shift with you... otherwise you'd be naked by now..."

A blush rose in his cheeks. "Shut up."

Celeste grinned, ruffling through the pockets of the woman who'd confronted them, smiling as she pulled out a golden key. "Yes." She muttered, sitting down to undo her anklet, sighing in relief when the golden anklet clattered to the ground, revealing the ring of crusted blackish red skin.

"What happened?!" Black was at her side, staring down at her foot in worry.

"The anklet was made of Goldsilver... it's not strong enough to fully bind my powers, but it can inflict pain whenever I use them." She shrugged. "It's fine. Let's get moving."

"You'll be staying right there." Wind hit the two of them like a brick wall. Green eyes met theirs, alongside a pale blue pair. "Well, for the moment... From the looks of things, you'll be going to Blagmoor Tower for a little while..."

"Alpha Lucian... Alpha King Leopold... and..." She spun around, smiling at the man trying to sneak up on them from behind. "Alpha Blythe..."

Black blinked.

"From the amount of destruction you've both caused, it's safe to say you're both very dangerous..." Leopold strode forwards. "So, I'm afraid I have no choice... I don't particularly want to fight someone as young as you..."

"You're going to use them?"

"Now." Pale blue eyes glowed, becoming more wolfish by the second, as the Alpha King used his Alpha Eyes. "Kindly wait there, and don't struggle."

"This is where I'll leave you, Black." She smiled. "They won't throw you in Blagmoor Tower, but they'd put me in there."

"Black?!" Blythe muttered.

"You might want to revert back to your blonde-haired brown-eyed state, though." Celeste winked. "Oh, and Leopold." She turned to the Alpha King. "Don't worry about those Alpha Eyes of yours. I'm one of the few exceptions." She grinned, waving goodbye as she leapt up onto the rooftop, disappearing from sight in an instant.

Silvery grey hair reverted back to its blonde colour, eyes returning to their usual dark brown.

Lucian quickly put his hand over Leopold's eyes. "Thank the Goddess..." He mumbled, watching as Blythe grabbed the boy by the hand. "We were so worried..."

"You mean this is the little Alpha boy who was kidnapped yesterday?" Leopold asked, pushing Lucian's hand out of the way, revealing a set of normal pale blue eyes. "The boy who's been holed up in his room for most of the time he's been with us?"

"Yep." Blythe sighed, leading Black towards the sleek black car. "The one and only."

"The one whose mouth you washed out with a bar of soap?"


"I'm surprised he's OK with even standing next to you..." Leopold mumbled, watching as Lucian climbed behind the wheel. "It's lucky we were in the area..."

"I wonder who that other brat was, though..." Blythe said, carefully strapping Black in next to him as he sat sandwiched between him and the Alpha King.

"Is Gray OK?!" Black snapped out of the odd trance he'd been in, his brown eyes pleading with the dark blue pair of the Alpha Assassin. "He is, isn't he?!"

"He's in the hospital back at Blagmoor." Blythe said. "But he's alive, if that's what you're so worried about..."

"You'll be able to see him when we get back."


"Of course." Leopold smiled, ruffling the boy's hair. "Finar will let you stay in the bed next to his, if you'd like."

"Why would I need to stay at the hospital?"

"Finar will want to give you a full check-over." Leopold sighed.

"But I'm not injured..."

"He'll want to see how you're coping with everything." The Alpha King sighed. "He's been wanting to talk to you properly ever since you came to Blagmoor, considering your past... but he'll definitely make time to talk to you now... especially after what's been thrown your way over the last two days."

Reality came flooding back to Black.

He'd killed.


Tears leaked down his face. "I'm a murderer..."

"In our business, Black..." Leopold wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling Black into his chest. "It's only a matter of time before that label gets put on you... The only thing I'm sorry for, though, is that it happened so soon..."



Double, just as I promised.

Sorry I forgot, I went a bit overboard in starting to put up some of my other books... most of which are fantasy of sorts but I've started a new story called: The Alpha's Doll: Icy Hearts. It's going to be part of a new series I'm trying to do at the same time as this one. Feel free to check it out.

I'm shameless I know... Self advertising my other books...

Oh well. Hope you enjoyed these last two chapters.

See ya next time.


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