Warm Cuddles

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"Holy hell, your skin is like ice..." Black muttered as they lay together on the bed, Juniper lying on top of him, sandwiched between his body heat and the thick quilts Hunter had so kindly placed over them.

"And you're like a bloody inferno." Juniper mumbled, her face snuggling into his neck. "I like infernos..."

"No witty comment?" He said, staring down at her tiny body wrapped around his in a very flattering manner. "You really are out of it, aren't you...?"

"No, I just think I'm in love with you..."

"Yep. You really are out of it. Otherwise you'd be insulting me, instead of buttering me up with all those sweet words." Black grinned. "I love you too, Pookie Bear."

"I can't believe that this is how we first ended up sharing a bed..." She said, her voice slurring slightly, until Black shook her gently, gently reminding her to stay awake.

"I know." He said, his smile still evident on his face. "I had something different in mind for our first time sharing the same bed... For one, I thought it's be a bigger bed... with more room for manoeuvre..."

Her icy breath tickled his ear. "I bet you imagined me being naked, too."

"Pookie, you know me so well..." Black sighed, his expression turning sorrowful. "What were you doing outside in the first place?"

"I was looking for you."

Deep brown eyes closed, tears leaking out of the corners as he rolled them both onto their sides. "So, you've been hurt a second time, all thanks to me..."

"It was my choice to go out there." Juniper said, curling into his chest. "Why did you even leave me...?"

"That doesn't matter right now."

"I suppose not." She sighed.

"Why did you stay out there for so long, Pookie...?" He asked, quickly shifting the focus of the conversation.

He knew Juniper wasn't satisfied with his answer.

"I had vision."

His eyes narrowed. "About what?"

"My death."


"Where's Black...?" Juniper sighed, not even flinching as Hunter shined the bright light into her eyes.

"He's... out..." Hunter said, with such a pregnant pause that she knew something was up as she sat on Black's bed, in Black's room, wrapped in Black's quilts.

She'd been cleared from the hospital a few hours ago, and now she was lazing around the heated room, wondering what the hell she could do to change the future.

She didn't want to die.

Especially not at his hands.

"Where's he really?" She cocked an eyebrow, not fooled in the slightest.

"Planning ways to keep you safe..." Hunter said, sitting back on the trunk at the bottom of the bed. "Him and Rylan are brainstorming a few ideas to keep that Light God's Chosen at bay for a little while."

"I'm the only one who can keep him at bay." She stood, knowing what she had to do to protect Blagmoor Castle.

To protect the place that felt more like her home with every second she stated within its walls.

"Stay underneath those quilts." Hunter folded his arms, trying to chase her back under the sheets.

Key word: trying.

She was out in one of the icy courtyards within seconds, demanding that someone spar with her.

"If I win, you go back inside." Hunter sighed, adopting a fighting stance.

"And if I win, then we continue." She countered, closing her eyes as she focused the Third Eye that only she possessed. Only, instead of using her Seer Gift to randomly peer into the future she focused it on the brunette Alpha in front of her.

A crinkle appeared in her brow, a fist slamming into her face before she could even open her eyes.

"If you think I'm just going to wait for you to do whatever you're doing, then you're sorely mistaken." He drawled. "The quicker you go back inside, the better."

"Tch." Juniper scowled, still trying to focus her Gift on the man in front of her as she kept her eyes open, which was ten times harder. "Do all Alphas fight dirty?"

"We fight as if we're in a real battle." He said, his leg arcing over her head. "And although I might be the Alpha of Medicine, I'm one of best Alphas at hand to hand combat."

"Because you need to stay alive on the battlefield." Juniper summed up, her fists swinging towards him in calculated swift moves. She knew better to get angry about the blood leaking down from her nose. Getting angry in a fight was a sure-fire way to lose. Especially when battling an Alpha.

Not that she'd battled many before.

At least, not in the way she was doing at that moment.

Their feet shimmied forwards and backwards, one or two occasionally leaving the ground to deliver a kick to their opponent, which was more often than not, blocked. More often than not, it was also Juniper doing the blocking.

The Alpha delivered a mean kick.

Which was normally followed up by a few random jabs at various body parts.

Juniper had to hand it to him.

He knew how to be unpredictable.

He also knew how to slip under her tight defences.

Evidently, her self-taught moves were outmatched.

"Time to go back inside, I think." Hunter folded his arms, staring down at the exhausted Juniper. "We don't want you freezing again, do we?"

"Kay." She panted, letting the other Alpha help her back to Black's bedroom, waiting patiently for Black to return.

But he never did.



I've now officially reached the halfway point of this book. Yay!

My other books are being worked on in the background in order to be ready to be posted up. I'm also hoping to put another Fantasy book up on Wattpad, but I don't have enough chapters yet to provide constant updates. Oh well. The same goes for the other Werewolf series I've got in mind... Hopefully I'll get some more inspiration for them from somewhere.

Thank you for reading the story so far, and I hope you'll enjoy everything else I'm about to throw your way.


Illenis out.


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