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"The future?!" Four sets of eyes blinked in utter confusion.

"Blythe." Juniper turned to the guy. "You'll meet your mate sooner than you think... in this century, for definite."


"That's what my vision was about."

"I don't believe you." Blythe scowled, folding his arms. "You manipulate people, and I don't want you manipulating me."

"Believe what you will." Juniper mumbled, jumping down from her hospital bed. "Only the future will tell you the truth." She said, wandering out of the door without another word, heading towards the kitchen, enjoying the odd freedom she seemed to have in Stonewall Castle. It was far more than she seemed to get at her home, even if she had a few Elders dogging her every move.

Grey eyes observed her from a nearby door, silvery grey hair falling in front of a young face that was angled in her direction. Elder Gray.

"Can I help you?" She asked, turning to face the man.

"Shouldn't Blythe be accompanying you around?"

"I don't need a babysitter." Juniper sighed. "I'm a fully-grown woman, despite this tiny body of mine, and trust me when I say that what I lack in size, I certainly make up for with sass."

"I gathered that, doll." Gray said, smiling slightly, his grey eyes sparkling with humour that didn't seem to match up with all the tales she'd heard about this particular immortal werewolf. "Where you heading?"

"The kitchen." She smiled. "I'd love a nice cup of tea."

"Aye." He nodded. "I could use one myself."

"Gray!" A silvery-haired woman strode towards them. "Wait up."

"Serena." He greeted his mate, wrapping his arms around her, their lips locking together, neither of them spotting the gagging faces Juniper was making.

Blythe, however, did. "You'll be doing that with your mate soon enough."

"So will you." She said, scowling as the child harness made a reappearance. "Seriously?!"

"I don't want you running off again." He folded his arms, tugging on the lead, dragging her behind him. "Leopold ordered me to keep an eye on you, so I will."

"And you're a stickler for the rules, aren't you?"

"Yep." He nodded. "Though apparently I'm not the biggest stickler anymore. Alpha Blu has taken that title away from me."

"Well, you're one of the ones who raised him." Juniper said. "And I'd like a nice cup of tea before you drag me back to your lair."

"What am I?" Dark blue eyes rolled. "Some sort of evil supervillain?!"

"In my eyes, yes."

"I walked right into that one." Shoulders sunk as they arrived in the kitchen, Blythe quickly whipping her up a mug of hot chocolate.

"I wanted tea."

"You'll be going to bed in a minute." He said, pointing at the black sky illuminated by a single white moon.

"Who are you? My mother?" She asked, staring at him in utter confusion as she begrudgingly sipped the hot frothy chocolatey beverage. The man made a good cup of hot chocolate, but she didn't have to listen to him. After all, she had a policy. No bribes. "I can stay up as long as I want." Her empty mug slammed into the countertop, remnants of the delicious drink left around her mouth as she glared at the black-haired fiend.

"Tch." A hand wrapped around her waist, slinging her over his shoulder as he strode out of the kitchen and back to Juniper's bedroom. "Bedtime for you, brat."

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