A Dark Descent

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Time ran away from them. By the time they'd managed to reach the summit of Mount Blagmoor, the light was rapidly fading.

Black greeted the beautiful sunset by swearing. "Rylan told me to be back by nightfall..."

"You'd better call him." Juniper sighed. "I'd prefer not to be greeted by the cavalry on the way down."

"Me neither." He grumbled, ringing Rylan up quickly, explaining the situation before hanging up.

"The news?" Juniper stared at her mate.

"Our curfew has been pushed back by an hour or two."

"We have a curfew?"

Black shrugged. "Apparently so." He passed her a headtorch. "You'd better wear this." He said. "It's going to get dark very quickly up here, and I don't want you falling and breaking a leg."

"I'd be more worried about you." Juniper said, sashaying away back down Trail 109, smiling slightly as she heard Black's grunt of pain.

"Stupid dirt..." He muttered, blinking furiously, barely able to watch as Juniper turned to face him.

"Dirt in your eye?" She tilted her head, the corners of her lips curving up into a grin.

"Yeah." Black grumbled, having regained his vision.

"Hmmm." Juniper smirked. "Your poor eyes..."

"Tell me about it."

"You should really take better care of them..." Juniper smiled devilishly. "After all, they're the only balls you've got..."

Black paused, turning to face his mate. "You know, someday soon, I'll happily show you what other balls I have."

"Will you now...?" She grinned, switching on her headtorch as the light faded even more. "Come on, matey. We've got a curfew to make."

"We could always break it... Just saying..."

"And have the cavalry come and drag us back? No thanks." She said, rolling her eyes.

"Good point."

"Aren't I just full of them?"

He grinned. "Yes, Pookie."

"I could murder you up here and no one would know." She scowled, glaring back at him.

"Pookie Bear, I'm fairly sure everyone would know." Black said, walking just behind her as they trudged down the mountain trail. "I did come up here with you, after all."

"There are other people on this mountain."

"Your fingerprints would be all over my corpse."

"From where I desperately tried to save you."

"And how come you're the sole survivor? What happened to the killer?"

"I turned him into ashes which scattered on the wind." She raised her hands. "Oh dear."

"You really think you'd be able to fool everyone... Including Elder Blythe...?"

"Goddess no." Juniper laughed.

"See, Pookie Bear?" Black said, taking her hand as he took the lead. "You can't kill me."

"I could." She smiled, running ahead of him. "But the cons would outweigh the pros... So I won't."

"Want me to add another pro to the list...?" He asked, chasing after her, pulling her to a stop.

"Not particularly." She said, sprinting off.

"You're no fun, Pookie!" He called, running after her. "And you should really stop running! It's dangerous!"

"I'm dangerous!"

"I know!" Black yelled after the bobbing white light that was growing further away by the second. "Juniper!" He shouted.

Juniper laughed, but her laughter was soon cut off as her ankle met some form of resistance.

She was sprawled out on the ground in seconds, moaning in pain.

"I told you!" Black scowled, reaching her side in seconds. "Are you OK?"

"My ego is just a bit bruised." Juniper muttered, climbing to her feet, wincing at the small cuts and scrapes she could feel. "But other than that, I'm fine... What did I even get taken out by? That didn't feel like any tree branch..."

Black shone his light, his blood chilling as he spotted the thin rope stretched across the path. "A tripwire." He said, straightening suddenly.

Hairs were on end as the pair of them went back to back, their wide eyes scanning the bushes for any sort of movement. That tripwire was no coincidence, after all.

They soon found what they were looking for, standing in front of Juniper, white teeth gleaming in the torchlight.

Blonde hair fell in front of a pair of brown eyes that gleamed mischievously. "Found you, Princess Juniper, Dark God's Chosen."



Another fight scene to come. Yay.

Hopefully that'll make up for the short chapter.

Hope you're all still there.

See ya.


Purple String {EDITING}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang