Once I hit the dirt and barely paved roads, something in my gut was telling me that I knew these roads, this place, this atmosphere. Why is it all so familiar to me?

Houses were few and far between, making the area seem rather eerie than anything else. Y/N said she was being taken to a cabin, but most of these are farms. What if I'm going the wrong way??

My phone's blaring ringtone abruptly cut off my train of thought, and I jerked the wheel a bit off the road trying to reach into my pocket fot my phone.


I immediately picked up, eager to hear her voice and make sure she was okay. "Y/N! Can you hear me?? Where are you? Are you with anyone?"


"Y/N??" My voice was starting to sound desperate and whiny and as I called out her name to just hear her voice once.

"Jinhwan." The voice of the man I hated the most responded in the most coy and mischievous tone I ever heard.

"... What did you do to Y/N?"

"Nothing. Don't try and find her, son. It turns out that we don't even need you anymore to get her family's money. We have our own way of doing so," he taunted. "You always were worthless anyway."

Before I could even react, the line cut off and I couldn't get back into contact with her phone and was met with the constant voicemail tone.

"DAMN IT!" I punched the steering wheel so hard, the car almost veered off the road completely, but I was too angry and frustrated to care.

Suddenly, I get a ping on my phone for an emergency alert describing Y/N's disappearance. What is my dad pulling? Why would he publicize her disappearance? I pulled off to the side of the road and scrolled through my media and any news reports to see what was happening.


My fingers stalled upon seeing the title, and panic began to rise. Is this how far he is willing to go for money?? Kidnap?

I pulled my cellphone out and dialed the emergency hotline.

"Hello, what is your emergency?"

I fiddled with my fingers for a bit before confidently stating, "I think I have information on the missing girl."


After telling the cops everything that I knew of the situation, they told me to wait where I was and help them find the cabin that could possibly have Y/N. Anxiously, I glanced all around me until my eyes settled upon a sign that was very familiar.

It was a billboard that had an advertisement for a run down diner in flashy, gaudy lights. Why is it so familiar to me?

The more I sat and contemplated, the more anxious and uneasy I felt. I finally had a sense of closure when a flashback dawned on me.


I was running in circles around the lit biboard sign while my mom was chasing me around, trying to get me back into the van.

"I don't want to go!" I giggled defiantly.

My mom suddenly stopped running and crossed her arms over her chest with a stern look on her face. "Well, I guess we better leave you here, then," she whistled jokingly.

Young Jinhwan couldn't comprehend that she was joking and immediately burst into tears and sobs, running after his mommy. "Okay, Mommy, I'll go! Please don't leave me," I sniffled. She gently scooped me up into her arms and began back towards the van that was still waiting by the desolate gas station.

My mom and I made it into the van and buckled up, so all we had to do was wait for my dad to come back. When he did, he had a stern and angry look on his face that made me cower in my seat.

My mom and dad exchanged some brief, quiet words before glancing back at me. My mom mustered up a weak smile. "Don't worry, Jinhwan. We're going to our new home."

After the flashback, I understood what was happening. My life in the city had taken a turn for the worst, and I forgot all of my youthful and happy memories I had in the rural area before my relationship with my parents grew sour and hateful.

I know where the cabin is. I know where Y/N is: my old, forgotten home.

[A/N: Hello guys! So sorry if this seems a bit messy! I am still trying to gather my thoughts on this story, but I will be ending this one soon since it was just a request and shouldn't have been as long as I made it, which made it really messy and unplanned. I am on break and will be writing a new story very soon!]

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