"You really have a good taste in hats, Chuuya." I complimented quietly, walking in front of him.

As I walk out into the living room, for a few moments I don't hear Chuuya's footsteps. I go on ahead and open the sliding doors that lead into the back yard. I set the wine glasses on a small, wooden, brown table and sat on the plush couch next to it.

Chuuya came out as soon as I sat down. He placed himself right beside me, opening the wine bottle and pouring the wine in our glasses half way. I took my drink as he handed to me, thanking him as he did. I felt the atmosphere have a serious feeling to it along with a slight relaxed feeling lingering somewhere.

We talked for awhile, laughing every now and then about random things. We talked about time and how there was a huge possibility that everything was fake. Many conspiracy theories came up, the Mandela effect and whether or not the moon landings in America were faked. Chuuya and I were just so caught up in everything that we didn't drink as much wine as I thought we would. Questions and topics one after another for about 3 hours. Though it only felt like 15 minutes.

I rested my head on his shoulder as I let out a happy sigh. Chuuya stayed silent for a few moments before speaking up.

"[Y/N], I'm really glad we met each other. I don't think I've enjoyed talking with someone for so long in my life." He said, as he took a sip of wine.

"I don't think I have either." I smiled.

I looked up at the bright stars scattered around the dark blue sky. I felt a swelling feeling in my chest as we sat in comfortable silence. It was a warm night with occasional cool breezes. Chuuya let out a small sigh as he set his wine glass down.

"[Y/N]." He said quietly.

I picked my head up and sat up properly, facing him. He turned around and faced me, I could see the light from the moon reflecting in his eyes. I gazed at him tenderly, waiting for him to continue. I watched as he looked a little nervous.

"I really.. I don't know how to put this. I'm not good with words or expressing myself." He mumbled, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red as his eyes flickered away from me.

"I feel like we're really compatible with each other, and I feel really comfortable with you. I can't help but get this feeling when I'm also around you." He pauses briefly before his eyes widened, "I mean it isn't a bad one or anything it's.. a good one. A different one." He sighs.

My eyes widened as I knew what he was trying to say. I slowly placed both my hands on his cheeks gently. His eyes quickly move towards me. The heat from his cheeks immediately warmed up my hands. I give him a warm smile before moving closer and planting a long kiss on his lips.

I felt the tingling sensation replace with something more intense. My heart erupted with a blissful feeling, filling up my chest. I felt Chuuya freeze. I smiled as I pulled away, placing the back of my hand over my mouth. My cheeks began to heat up as I realized what I just did. I looked away momentarily, closing my eyes as I did, trying to relax.

When I looked back at Chuuya, the red blush across his face had stayed the same. I quietly cleared my throat. He blinked rapidly and broke out of the little daze he was in and looked away

"So?" I asked, waiting for him to tell me what was going to happen know.

He shifted uncomfortably and pressed his hand firmly against his cheek before looking at me.

"Will you go out with me?" He asked quietly, keeping his eyes on mine.

"Who wouldn't?" I smiled, "Of course."

He let out a small sigh of relief before pulling me into a tight embrace. I inhaled the really fresh cologne that Chuuya had on. I gave him a squeeze.

"Chuuya, I never really told you this, but my god you always smell so good- god bless." I mumbled.

I heard him let out a small laugh as he I gushed over the scent. His heartbeat had gradually slowed down, signalling that he was slowly relaxing. As much as I wanted to keep hugging Chuuya for the rest of my life, I knew I couldn't. I reluctantly pulled away and grabbed his hands. I started tugging at the tip of his gloves.

"Take these off. I've never seen your hands before." I said.

He complied and slowly took off his gloves. As soon as they both were off I quickly grabbed his hands and gently squeezed them. I gasped and began to squeeze them harder as I realized how unbelievably soft they were. I moved his hands around, studying them. They were so nice and delicate.

"Holy shit." I whispered, as intertwined our fingers. "Chuuya your hands are the softest hands in this world. How is this possible oh my god."

Chuuya's cheeks reddened as I gushed over his hands, squeezing them so much. I really didn't want to let go of his hands. Mine were cold and sort of rough. I played with his hands for a few moments before I gave him another kiss.

"You know Dazai's gonna kill us, right?" I mumbled as I pulled away.

"He can't do anything, and he won't. We just can't tell him." Chuuya said, slightly frowning.

"That's the problem, if he does find out, it'll anger him even more that I kept it a secret from him. I'm going to tell him. He'll eventually except it." I sighed.

"Highly doubt it." Chuuya mumbled.


Chuuya with soft hands is what i live for

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