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To give you an idea of your ability:

Ability: The Devils Reaper

How it works: The ability user is able to turn themselves, others and object invisible.


This is the users true ability. Demonic spirits that are bind to the ability user will surface when this verse is said:

You are me and I, you.
From the pits of hell, I command you.
Forgive me father for I have sinned, again.

The ability user will be possessed, loosing control of their body entirely and gaining the power of the demon inside them. They will begin to kill their target(s), along with the demons who have taken their physical form, by stabbing them.

Even though the user has lost control, the ability restrict the demons from being able to do anything else after the objective of the user is complete. To end, 'Possession' the user is stabbed.


i found this cool cloak so here's an idea for clothing.

Okay, last thing too, when [Y/N] appears, it's your first name or nick name, it really doesn't matter

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