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"Wake up!"

My eyes shot opened as I felt a hard kick to my stomach. I felt a surge of blood come running up my throat. I let out a harsh cough of blood onto a stone floor.

My body felt weak and heavy, pain was pulsing through out my body. My wrists were tied to the wall by heavy tight chains that cut off the blood circulation to my hands.

With my eyes half opened, through slight blurred vision, I scanned the new place I was in. There were many guards surrounding us with their guns out and pointed at me. I figured out that I was in some sort of basement. I could see stairs across from where I was, light was shining from an entrance from the left side of the staircase.

It was dimly lit in here. The man in black from yesterday was standing in front of me. I could feel his cold stare burning into my face as he waited for some sort of response from me. His foot forcefully turned me over so that I was on my back.

I held my breath as he stepped on my stomach, in the same exact spot where he had hit me earlier. He made his heel dig into my stomach, intense pain struck through out my body, causing me to jerk up. I felt another surge of blood come up which caused me to cough violently. My throat was dry and somewhat swollen, it stung like hell while I coughed.

"Akutagawa, that's enough."

A powerful voice echoed through room as the sound of heels clicking on the stairs was heard. The man, Akutagawa, glared at me briefly before he removed his foot from me and walked away.

I didn't bother to see who it was as I kept staring at the ceiling. Moving any other part of my body would add on more unnecessary pain. Eventually the clicking stopped as a face appeared in front of me.

Another man with a long black coat over draped over his shoulders looked down at me. His deep blue eyes peered into mine for a long time. My vision went out of focus and his face became blurry.

"Why was the Guild at the cabin? What did they want from there?" He asked roughly.

I stared at him, unresponsive. My heart rate was slowing down every second that passed by. My throat was dry and it hurt as I spoke.

"They wanted secret information." I replied, my eyes closing and opening as I faded in and out of consciousness.

"What did they plan to do with the information?" He asked.

"Boss said.. black market." I answered quietly, not remembering exactly what Fitzgerald had told me.

"What do you mean, 'Black Market?'" He asked.

Rolling onto my side, I faced the man standing next to me. I slowly and painfully forced myself to sit up and lean back against the wall behind me. I held my head in my hands, letting out a small groan of pain. I felt a wave of dizziness along side pain in my head. My wrists started stinging as the chains wrapped around them moved a little.

I looked at my black cloak that was partially opened. It revealed my blood stained white clothes. I let out a small sigh as the memories from the last mission came flooding back to me.

"Answer me." The orange haired man demanded as he moved himself in front of me. I felt the tip of a gun hitting my head.

"I don't know." I replied, this time with a more serious and stronger voice. I moved my head up so that the gun was right in between my eyes, silently pleading him to shoot me.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he realized what I wanted.

"Yes you do and you will tell me." He threatened, pulling back the hammer of the gun.

"You can waste your time or you can save it by shooting. I really don't know." I sighed, looking at him straight in the eyes.

The light was coming from behind him, making him dark. I could only see the outline of his body and some of his facial features. He took a step back, keeping the gun pointed at me and his eyes on mine.

He pulled the trigger and the loud bang  echoed through the room. I felt a small burn on my cheek.

He purposefully missed.

I didn't blink at all- My eyes were always on his, never moving once. A disappointed look came across my face and I looked away.

"Unfortunately, I can't kill you." He mumbled putting his gun away. "Get up."

I reluctantly did as I was told, silently cursing at the soreness in my body as I moved. All the men's guns raised in defense as the man took off the chains from my wrist and replacing them with hand cuffs.

Once he was done, he turned around and walked away from me. Two men came running up to me, one on each side of me, gripping at my upper arm and forcing me to walk behind the ginger in front of me.

As we walked up the stairs, the light immediately hit me and I let out a small high pitched sneeze. I felt a throb in my throat and sniffed.

"Bless you." The ginger said, almost in a whisper.

I mumbled a quiet thank you as we walked into an elevator.



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