Unexpected Visitors

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[Y/N] I do try my best to decipher all your stories myself, but I would like to know, those last three lines, they were pretty random. What were their relevance to the story?  The meaning?

I sighed as I fiddled with my keys in one hand, trying to find the one to my home. I had been talking to Odasaku on the phone on my way home. As I find the right key, I push it in to the keyhole and twist it around.

"Ah, they're not really relevant. They're actually apart of my-"

I stop talking as I look and see Hawthorne and Fitzgerald, standing in the hall way of my house. Before I could react two guards come from behind and push me in, slamming the door shut.


One of the guards reach over and snatch my phone from my hands, breaking it in half. My eyes begin to water as I watch Fitzgerald smile widely.

"[Y/N], it's been oh so long. I've missed you so dearly." Fitzgerald walks up to me, pulling me into a hug. "I was so scared. I thought I had lost my precious weapon."

Fitzgerald's embrace becomes painfully tighter as he leans down, his lips lightly touching my ear. I felt my back begin to crack. I gazed at Hawthorne, who gave me an expressionless look. My tears begin to increase.

"Aren't you delighted to come back? We have a big job for you." He whispered, I could almost hear him grinning, "Those bastards will pay for taking you away from me." He growled.

Fitzgerald lets go of me and pushes me into one of the guards standing behind me. The guard quickly puts their arms around me securely.

"Let's move." Fitzgerald huffs before walking out.

I heard the door open. Hawthorne quickly followed, giving me a quick side glance before leaving. The guard holding me mumbles something under his breath. In a few moments another guard comes from behind him and puts a cloth over my nose and mouth. I feel my body begin to become heavy. Within seconds,

I black out.


My eyes open wide, the sun was hitting my eyes ever so harshly. I turned away, groaning. I stayed still for a few seconds before sitting up and looking around the room I was in.

I felt my heart drop as I realized where I was.

North America.

I was back in my old room, the one I used for a few years when I first joined the Guild. It was still the same, everything had a monochrome look to it. Black bed, gray floors, white walls. When the Guild took me in, they took me back here- where their central headquarters were.

Was I really knocked out for this long?

I got up and tried to open my door, but of course, it was designed to lock people in. I began panicking. What was I going to do? What plans was Fitzgerald talking about?

As I began wiggling the doorknob helplessly, a knock came from the other side. I let go and moved away. The door opened slowly, a guard poked his head out before opening the door widely, a gun was in his hands. He stared me down for a few moments before leaving. Lucy came in, sighing.

"Hello, [Y/N]... it's good to see you again." Lucy greeted.

I nodded my head slowly, silently agreeing. She closed the door behind her before walking in further. Lucy sat on the edge of my bed. I sat down next to her. The expression on her face told me that she was sad.

"[Y/N], I know you're not going to like what I'm about to tell you." She let out a small sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Fitzgerald is planning a genocide.. in Yokohama."

I felt my eyes begin to water. I grabbed her by the shoulders, looking at her, horrified at the information.

"Why? Why would he do that?! Why would-"

Lucy put her hand on my mouth, hushing me.

"Be quiet. You aren't even supposed to know about this until who knows when. From what I've over heard, the reasoning for this is that he's angry. He wants to get back at all of the organizations who've rejected his offers, especially the Port Mafia. I don't know if you've realized this from all these years but, you're the reason that we've been able to get where we are. How we've been getting organizations to work for us- get top secret information." She paused momentarily before continuing.

"It's going to take awhile before Fitzgerald goes through with this plan. They're still planning out how this is going to work. From the ideas I've seen so far, they're gonna start with killing the people in Yokohama. They won't stop until the organizations agree to his proposals. At first it was just a threat, but the organizations still declined him, so now he's really going to do this."

I felt my heart beat in my chest hard. I let go of Lucy's shoulders and let my head fall into my hands. I begin quietly crying. Lucy placed her hand on my back, gently rubbing it.

"You're going to be the one to do it."


shorter chapter

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