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to yeet or be yeeted.


[Y/N]'s POV


Everything happened so damn fast. First, a simple air ride, then we're jumping out of the jet, and now I'm spending the night with Mori in the same room.

Now, you'd think this rich ass man would have the decency to go and find a hotel and get two separate rooms. But no.

Here we are, in one room- and no, not even with two fucking beds, but ONE. How did I allow this to happen? I don't know. You'd think Mori would at least try to be smooth and pretty gentle about expressing his feelings or, desires, even. But no. I think me not trying to argue with him or show the slightest bit of concern about us sharing a bed has led up to this moment.

Mori and I had finished eating our planned dinner earlier and were now settling in. I was in the bathroom, just, freaking out. I was fucked. I kept telling myself that maybe I was over thinking things, but the thought of him possibly making a move of some sort made me feel queezy. I knew he was most likely laying down because it was dead silent outside of the bathroom.

I took a very quiet deep breath and walked out the bathroom, turning off the lights. The room was dimly lit by a lamp off in a corner. Mori was sitting comfortably on the right side of the bed, the blanket resting across his legs. He smiled at me.

"Are you.. comfortable with this, Sir?" I asked timidly, standing on the left side of the bed.

"I trust you won't slaughter me in my sleep, so yes." He answered.

I laughed hesitantly and laid down on the bed. I pulled the covers over me and faced away from him, making sure I was all the way to the edge of my side of the bed. We had no change of clothes, so we wore our fancy outfits to sleep, which wasn't too terrible.

I tried to sleep, but I obviously couldn't sleep. This whole scenerio was uncomfortable. What if he slaughtered me in my sleep? What if this was all a test?

There were many questions that ran through my mind, which only made me more sleepless. What in the world was going through that man's mind? This seemed very unlike him and felt so unprofessional.

"Mori, are you okay?" I asked bluntly.

I kept the covers over me and didn't move and inch. I paced my breathing to be slow and soft. I waited very long for a response, which became very suspicious to me.

"Yes. I'm quite stressed is all. I know this is all improper and very uncomfortable, and I very much apologize for that-"

Okay so he's back to normal

"- and I didn't properly thank you for saving my life earlier. You could have handled it differently, but I understand that was most likely your first time in a situation like that."

I yanked the covers off of me and turned at the speed of light to face him.

"What do you mean 'differently?' There is literally no other way to handle that situation, and if there was, it would have resulted in death." I questioned. "Did you wanna die? You didn't try to stop me or say anything so therefore I assumed you didn't. Even if you did, I wouldn't have let you."

Mori laughed quietly.

"That's nice to know. Thank you."

"Mori, why did you choose this room? Were there not any others available?" I asked. This was the one thing I wanted to know the most.

"This really was the only one available. I called another hotel to check the availability there and it was the same thing. I'm sorry if this is uncomfortable for you." He apologized.

"Well it was, until you explained it." I laughed.

"Oh... Okay." He quietly responded. "I think.. I think we should get some rest. Goodnight."

Mori's tone had changed into.. Something else. It was subtle, but I felt the atmosphere become a little dappened. I wished him a to have a goodnights rest.

Many thoughts crossed through my mind. I felt like he became upset at the fact I was uncomfortable. Or maybe he knew and when I confirmed it, he was upset. Of course Chuuyas words were replaying themselves in my head. Yet I still found it unbelievable to think Mori even had such interest in me. But I found myself wanting to explain to Mori that I was only uncomfortable that he was acting weird.

In the end I fell asleep, forcing me to stop dwelling on the matter.

- The next morning -

As my body started drifting away from sleep mode, I felt a slight weight on my waist, and pleasant warmth on my backside.

Me, still being mostly asleep, I turned around and snuggled closer. It felt weird though. Mainly because of the smell. It wasn't Chuuya's general distinctive smell, it was completely different. As I felt the arm hug me, my eyes shot wide. I was met with Mori's nose. I froze and I didn't know what to do but close my eyes.


How was I supposed to get out of this? I couldn't move again or he'd know. And if he does wake up, should I acknowledge and apologize or should I not say anything at all?

My questions were all answered as Mori's phone began to loudly ring. I felt him hold me a little tighter for a few seconds before getting up for the phone. After he answered it, he went into the bathroom.

I quickly got up and began fixing myself up the best I could.

The best idea for me was to completely act like nothing happened. It seemed like the least awkward outcome.

My eyes are dying so I'm leaving it here bye bye

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