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"[Y/N], love where are you going?"

"Dazai is threatening me and I have absolutely no more energy to argue or barter with the boy so I have to go and do a few... things."

Chuuya became more awake as he watch me tuck my jeans into my combat boots.

"You're wearing that outfit again... What things?" He asked suspiciously.

"Things." I shrugged leaving the room.

"[Y/N]!" Chuuya yelled.

I sighed as he knew he was going to try and force me to stay home. The last time I said I was going out with my brother to do a few things- I left for about a week or two without contacting him or anyone else. Even Morí didn't know about our whereabouts and this resulted in us being confined and questioned for a few days.

I grabbed my keys and kept walking to the door in hopes to get out before Chuuya could catch me.

"Not so fast."

Chuuya yanked me back and forced me to sit on the couch.

"Where. Are. You. Going?" He asked.

"Dazai's house." I shrugged as a leaned back.

"To do what?"

"Things." I replied, earning a sigh from Chuuya.

"[Y/N] seriously where are you going? You do realize you can get killed if you pull shit like this again?" He warned.

I sighed and rolled my head back. I wasn't really doing anything wrong, but of course he wouldn't know that. The things me and Dazai were doing was just visiting our only family left. We discovered that we had an aunt and a baby cousin. Of course, we didn't want to tell the Mafia about it for security reasons. Dazai just said that nothing would happen if we just played it off cool and because they really wouldn't find anything if they searched us in and out. And even if they did find something- all it would be is our trip to a certain location. Which was where our family was.

"Chuuya we won't. Listen, don't worry about it. I'll be back soon. Okay?"

I got up and walked to the door once more.

"[Y/N] please don't leave. You literally left me with no explanation for a week with out any contact. That scared the living shit out of me and I thought you were dead." Chuuya admitted.

"Look, as much as I want to tell you I can't. And if I do, as much as I trust you, you'll rat me out. Although it doesn't seem like a big deal to you if you found out, it does to me and most importantly Dazai. It's honestly a blessing that I'm still breathing at the moment. I shouldn't even be here or stuff and-" I sighed and shook my head. "Listen, just please let me go for a few days. I'm sure you wouldn't mind some alone time, yeah? I'll see you soon."

"What are you talking about?" Chuuya asked as he walked closer.

"Listen," I paused and checked my watch, "I really need to go, okay? I swear to god I'll answer anything- err.. some things, that you want to know."

I hug him quickly and let go. Chuuya stands there, completely confused.

"I love you. Bye." I sighed.

"[Y/N] I'm-"

Before he could finish I leave and close the door. Immediately after wards, I turn invisible and began walking to the train station.


Okay so instead of an ending, I'll sort of keep it going? I know it's a jump cut but i swear Chuuya will still be in the next chapter

But it won't be happy.

Bliss [Chuuya x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now