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"[Y/N], how are you holding up?"

Odasaku was currently giving me a piggy back ride- and no. Not because I wanted him to.

We were just coming back from our first mission together as partners. It all went pretty well. The goal was to get some answers from a few people we were assigned to interrogate. They did comply with us, giving us their answers. Though, on our way back, a weird group appeared before us.

Odasaku seemed to know the man. He ignored the man as he started shouting at Odasaku, telling him to fight him, but Odasaku refused. That seemed to anger the man, as the group started attacking us. Odasaku was able to save us from being blasted with bullets. But the man who was shouting at Oda, was able to catch up to us as we were running away and got me in my lower abdomen, shooting me three times.

I felt a surge of blood come up my throat. I turned my head away and coughed it out, wincing at the wave of pain that took over my body each time I did.

"I'm holding up wonderfully.." I responded weakly.

"That's not funny, [Y/N]." He huffed as he ran faster towards the Port Mafia.

I rested my head back on his shoulder, hugging his neck a little more tightly. I begin to feel light headed as we entered the Mafia. Odasaku takes me to the infirmary, telling someone that I needed medical assistance immediately.

Within seconds, I was on a bed, an oxygen mask over my head as my vision becomes blurry. I slowly grab a folded up paper in one of my pockets. It was a small story I was planning to give Odasaku later. But since there was a possibility that I was going to die, I decided that I would give it to him now.

As I begin fading out of consciousness, I shove the note in his hands. He grasps my hand, along with the note. My eyes slowly close shut and everything becomes silent.

- short story -


fear filled the silent night. the young man only wanted nothing more than for him to know- to understand why.

why things had to be the way they were.

'I don't want to let you down, but I am hell bound

Though this is all for you, don't want to hide the truth

No matter what we breed, we still are made of greed'

the man will never be able to let out the suppressed feelings within. only hate, regret and sadness filled his heart. he wanted nothing more than the vile memories to cease to exist.

if he told anyone, instantly would they come and destroy him. they would know and use him. when everything is lost, nobody is to trust- not even yourself.

why does he continue to live even after all the sins.

because deep down he knows, he can try.

try to help the ones who need it. to try and help the ones escape from the darkness before it reaches them. show them the light, even though he's never seen it. turn sadness into happiness.


it'll take someone to come around and show him how

~ [Your initials]


[few hours later.]

I slowly opened my eyes. The room was silent and dimly lit. I carefully sat up, the bandages hugging my waist suppressing some of the pain as I did. I rubbed my eyes and yawned with a dry mouth. A glass of water sat next to the bed; I gratefully drank it.

I'm alive.

A nurse came in and smiled at me. She began to tell me that I had to rest for a few weeks before I could go out and do anything. After she finished she handed me a bottle of pills and said I was free to go. [unrealistic but hey.]

It was noon, so I figured I would go out for lunch. As I left the infirmary, I saw Chuuya sitting down along with the stranger from yesterday. His eyes met mine and he got up, walking over to me.

"[Y/N]! Where have you-"

I let out a small yelp as he hugged me tightly. I pushed myself away from him and bit the inside of my cheek as I hugged my waist and bent over a little. I heard the footsteps of the other guy come up.

"[Y/N]? What's wrong?" Chuuya ask, placing his hand on my back.

"I have an injury so I would appreciate if you refrained from hugging me so tightly." I sighed quietly as I composed myself. "Who is-"

My words fell as I looked at the man next to Chuuya, my eyes widened as the man's face instantly brought back memories. He didn't change one bit. His wavy brown hair, chocolate colored eyes and light colored skin- everything was the same.

I felt warm tears well up in my eyes as I subconsciously raised my hand to touch his face. His eyes widened as I gently rubbed my thumb against his cheek. He placed his hand on top of mine, grasping it. A tear fell out of my eye.

"Dazai.." I whispered as more tears followed after the first one.

He pulled me into a gentle embrace, His hand rubbing the back of my head as we stood there, silently reuniting. I hugged him tightly, ignoring the pain as I did. I pressed my face into his chest, my tears beginning to soak into his clothing.

"It's been so long.." He whispered into my ear after a few moments of silence.

"Too long," I added. "I'm sorry."

As soon as I apologized, he pulled away from me. I looked into his teary eyes and he gripped my shoulders.

"Don't you dare apologize for something.. that was never your fault." He shot, his voice filled with sadness and anger.

I broke my gaze from him and looked away, letting more tears fall off of my face and onto the ground. He quickly placed both of his hands on my cheeks and forced me to look up at him.

"I missed you so much. Never knowing if you were okay, or if you were... " He paused for a moment, a tear rolling down his uncovered eye.

"It's okay," I whispered, breaking a small smile, "I missed you too."


dazai crying is all i want thanks. thats the only reason i wrote this book bye. this is the end of the book expect no more updates.

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