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For the entire week Dazai had cut off any contact between Chuuya and I. The fact that they were partners made it a lot easier for him. He was always either with Chuuya or me. Luckily, Odasaku was kind enough to distract Dazai every now and then so we could talk. Through out the week we rescheduled our crashed plan.

The real reason I went to Chuuya's office last week was because Chuuya invited me to go drink for the first time. I had to decline because of my age, 19. But he didn't take no for an answer and told me that my age was, 'close enough' to the legal age and that everyone should get to experience such a pleasurable thing. Wine. 

Right now, Dazai was out with Odasaku because Oda needed some assistance in a job he was assigned to at the moment.

I walked up to Chuuya's office, I felt a little nervous as I knocked. I noticed that as I was separated from Chuuya, I really missed him a lot. We only got to see each other three times for about 10 minutes through the time we were separated. In those three short moments, these feelings gradually started forming inside me. I didn't know what was going on with me, but inside, I was all over the place.

I slowly opened the door as I heard him, shout a small, 'come in.' I quickly entered his office and quietly closed the door behind me. A wide smile spread on his face as he saw me. Chuuya got up and in a second, I was in his embrace. I felt the corners of my lips go upwards.

"I'm happy to see you too, Chuuya." I laughed quietly.

"I'm sorry but I just can't help it. I just.." His words slowly faded into a long sigh.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his should for a few moments before pulling away from him. 

"So what's the plan?" I smiled, letting go of him.

Chuuya slowly let go of me before going back around his desk. He reached down and ruffled through his bag.

"The plan is, this." Chuuya paused, placing a bottle of wine on the table, "We go to my place, sit outside, and enjoy the night with a glass of wine." He smiled.

His blue eyes lingered on mine, impatiently waiting for approval. He bit his lip as I gave him a small smile. His eyes lit up and he gripped the bottle.

"Alrighty! Let's go then!" He beamed, his smile getting wider.

I let out a quiet laugh as he hastily grabs his stuff. Chuuya and I walk out, leaving the Mafia. We drive back to his house, which was pretty far from the Mafia. The drive was filled with my laughs as Chuuya kept ranting on about Dazai being so annoying.

Once we arrived at his house, I admired how lovely and aesthetically pleasing it was from the outside. Going inside, it was pretty cozy and warm. He owned a record player, along with a small shelf of vinyls. As he was grabbing everything we needed, I went into his living room, which was across from the kitchen.

I let out laugh as I saw a rack of hats sitting at the end of the hall, leading into other rooms and such. I grabbed one of the hats. It was a black one with a gray band around it. The material on the gray band was soft and plush. I rubbed thumbs in circles on it, growing fond of the texture. I grabbed another one and did the same thing.

"What are you doing?" Chuuya asked, walking over with the wine bottle and two glasses in his hands.

"Oh, sorry I just.. these are really nice." I smiled, turning around and facing him.

He stared at me for a few moments, his cheeks slightly turning into the pink shade that they usually did. I gently put the hats back and grabbed the two glasses that were dangling from his hand.

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