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"You still remember?!"

Dazai and I spent the rest of the day together, after our little reunion. We had spent our time catching up and talking about what had happened within the 12 years we've been separated. He had told me that he was able to escape from the the people who were watching over him from the Guild. Mori had picked him up about a year after I was taken away. From there, he started working at the Port Mafia.

"Of course I do. That's all you ever wanted to eat." I smiled, handing him a chocolate ice cream.

Dazai eagerly began licking it, the same smile from when he was younger, plastered on his face. I felt my heart swell with happiness as I watched him enjoy his ice cream. My wish had come true. It was all I wanted in the world. Just to be with my brother.

We began walking back to the Port Mafia, talking about random non-sense. Dazai was trying to remember the nick name he gave me when I was younger.

"I'm 3000 percent sure it had to do with a food- wait!" He smiled and looked at me, "Nugget."

I rolled my eyes and started walking away from him. He always called me that, even at school and it was revolting and embarrassing. Who the hell calls their sister, 'Nugget?'

Dazai. Dazai did.

"Nugget wait up! Don't leave me~" He hummed, running up to me and wrapping his arm around my neck.

Dazai tended to be very clingy when we were younger. Though he teased me a lot, we got along pretty well. A lot more than how most siblings were. He never left my side and we had an unbreakable bond. If anyone was my friend, they were Dazai's friend. We were both very protective of each other. We always had each other's back.

"Dazai, I have to go meet up with Chuuya." I said, as we got into the elevator.

"For what?" He asked, pulling me closer to him as we walked up to Chuuya's office.

"Training." I lied, knocking on Chuuya's door.

If he actually knew the real reason, he'd kill the both of us.

Dazai rolled his eyes and just opened the door without waiting for a response. I let out a small sigh as we walked in. Dazai was still holding onto me. Chuuya gave me a small smile when he saw me, but it soon faded as he look and saw Dazai's head rested on top of mine.

"Thanks for leaving me earlier." Chuuya said sarcastically, "So I'm assuming you two... know each other then?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. This is my precious baby sister." Dazai hummed happily, hugging me tightly.

I bit my tongue as my eye twitched. I only 3 years younger. Chuuya's eyes widened as his eyes darted back and forth between Dazai and I.

"What?! Really? I had a hunch but seriously?" He asked, looking at us in disbelief.

"Unfortunately." I mumbled.

"What?! Nugget, take that back." Dazai gasped.

An annoyed expression spread across my face as I tried pulling myself away from him.

"Stop calling me that." I sighed in embarrassment.

Chuuya let out a small laugh as Dazai's massive hand reached up to pinch my cheek. I grabbed it and squeezed it as hard as I could, forcing him to let go of me and pull away.

"I hate the both of you." I commented as I composed myself.

"Correction, you hate that petite hat hoarder." He huffed, glaring at Chuuya.  

Dazai frowned as he stood in front of the door, preventing me from leaving. Chuuya furrowed his eyebrows and got up, irritation started to rise up in his face as he got closer to Dazai. I stood in front of them to prevent them from murdering each other.

"Listen here, you bandage-wasting-good-for-nothing-" Chuuya stopped as I placed my hands on his chest.

"I know what comes out of his mouth is-" I stopped myself from saying anything rude, "Unpleasant. But please.. don't." I sighed.

I looked into Chuuya's eyes, silently pleading him to stop. His cheeks turned into a light shade of pink and he looked away from me, staying silent. I heard Dazai let out a noise of disgust at our physical contact. He hooked his finger around the neck of my cloak and pulled me away from Chuuya.

"Gross. [Y/N], don't touch him." Dazai snorted before turning us around and opening the door.

"What? Dazai quit it-"

"I don't want to hear it. I am the older one- and you will obey me." He huffed, cutting me off.

He let go of me and pushed me out the door, quickly grabbing my hand and dragging me down the hall way and into his office. I let out a loud sigh, as I stopped resisting. I knew Dazai was a lot stronger and he'd just get all sad and grumpy if I just continued to do so. Since our father left when I was born, he was the only 'man' in the house. So he was always way too over protective.

Once, when our mom brought a guy home, Dazai got extremely angry. I had never seen him so angry in my life, so it really scared me when he went up to the guy and kicked him where the sun shined. He always scared a lot of my friends away, so I only ended up with very few friends- which I never even really hung out with or talked to that often.

"I'll call you later, Chuuya." I waved, as I looked back at an annoyed Chuuya.

"No you won't." Dazai retorted, his grip on my hand became tighter as he fumbled with his keys in one hand.

"Why are you like this?" I mumbled, looking back at him.

"Chuuya is a bad man who does bad things, I don't want you near him." Dazai responded, opening his door.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him with confusion.

"But you're also a bad man that also does bad things??" I argued, as he pulled me into his office and slammed the door shut.

"How would you know that?" Dazai asked, obviously offended as he let go of my hand.

"Because we work in a Mafia. Like it's pretty obvious if you're working here, you aren't doing the greatest of things." I sighed.


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