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It had been one year on since the brave death of Winter Christiansen.

It was untimely, uncalled for, but she died a brave, strong, she-wolf. William didn't leave her body, even with Matthias pulling at him. He held her, tightly, wishing he could bring her back. Wishing for her to still be alive. He loved her, he truly loved her and from that moment on the field the other day, he knew she was his mate.

Matthias stood there, watching the sobbing stranger hold his baby sister. He couldn't help but let the tears come down his cheeks. He turned at looked at the man, who he thought was a friend. Lewis was out cold, thanks to a nasty blow from Matthias hand and the bite from Winter. He smiled at the memory of her shifting right before his eyes.

Guards came rushing towards the trio and Lewis. They picked up Lewis and rushed him out of there. William picked up Winter, carrying her in his arms, as the guards gave him some cloth to wrap her naked body with. Not allowing anyone or anything to touch or to hold her. Winter was his, all of his, someone who he wished he had met years ago. Matthias followed behind, thinking of the positive and happy memories from her life.

Screams and cries of pain erupted the moment William carried in Winters dead, lifeless body into the ballroom. His Queen rushed over to him, her best friend Kat and her brother Leander followed in pursuit. William only let go of his mate the moment Winter's father came over to him. Forcing to grab her lifeless body from his arms.

Blood seeped into his clothes, Winter laid in her fathers arms once more. Tears were shed, cries were heard. Gerard didn't let go of his daughter, he held her closely, wishing she was still alive. Everyone wished that she was alive. Her Queen, Orion, wanted her best friend back. She took a bullet for her today, something that Orion always knew would happen.

Kat and Leander stood there, holding each other, both trying to be brave. But failing, miserably. Matthias was hunched over, next to his father and his sister. Everyone was in tears, no one could keep a brave face on for Winter. She was truly going to be remembered. Nothing could help her lifeless body.

The autopsy showed that the very first bullet, that pierced through Winters shoulder, should have killed her. The amount of wolfsbane found was toxic, she should have passed almost immediately. But instead, something inside her kept her alive. Her wolf shifted from the amount of pain she was suffering, that was what the doctors could tell.

The other bullets, found in her body, aren't as potent and as toxic as the first. Lewis was going in for the kill. He didn't care what would happen, but he did feel sorry for winter. He was truly sorry, when he saw her and mouthed those two words to her from the balcony. But he had a job to do and she stood in his way.

Winter was buried, exactly where she wanted to be. Right beside her mothers headstone, in the garden. Which, now everyday, Gerard would take his garden toolbox out and he turned himself into a green thumb. He had a nack for it, even his sons would occasionally keep him company, cleaning and restoring the garden.

The once sad group before us, sat at a dinning table in Winter's childhood home. A year after, her family and close friends were sitting around the table, enjoying Winter's favourite meals. A single chair was left unattended, it was her chair. It was Winter's chair, she sat at every meal for. Her favourite food and meals were being eaten and enjoyed.

William sat next to Winter's empty chair, only to remember the short time he had with the one he was going to call mate. Kat and Leander sat around, a very heavily pregnant Kat was on her second plate of food. Orion and Parker were in each other's laps, feeding food to each other. Lorcan and Ilianna, sat beside each other. Ilianna had their first born, a girl, named after their favourite female protector. Winter.

Winters dad, Gerard sat at the head of the table, like always. Matthias and Elliot, who was pregnant as well, we're enjoying their food together. A sudden sadness came across the table, at the last few months of memory they had with Winter. They were all sad that her last months were filled with sadness.

They hadn't helped the situation too much either. She was constantly on edge and angry at her family for not seeing she wanted a life without a mate. They were bugging her, constantly concerned and worried, that they all forgot to share the time with her. They forgot to make her happy, instead shoving lovey dovey looks with their mates.

But regardless, Winter was truly happy for each and everyone one of them. She had always said that she'd give up her own happiness for that of others. She wanted everyone around her to be happy, but they only caused her to have more pain. Yes, she had finally given into the will and need of a mate, but she didn't have one by the time she passed.

William was truly sorry for not allowing her to be his mate. Or for not coming into her life sooner. His wolf still stirred with emotions from Winter, but he knew he was going to have to find another mate, eventually. Everyone knew why William was there, though most still doubted about the mateship. They knew that Winter died in the arms of a man that loved her, very much.

Winter died doing something she over, protecting her family. Although Orion, Kat, Leander, all her friends, they weren't blood family. She had always consider them to be, regardless. Winter did the one thing she wanted to do in life, take a bullet for her queen. Something she had sworn to do since the day they met each other.

Winter had a passion, a drive. She knew what she wanted and she put her mind to it. Her family all knew that, goddess, even the Moon Goddess herself knew that. I'm pretty sure most of the lycanthrope world knew of her. Her pride, stubbornness and she was one brave and strong she-wolf.

Winter would always be remembered as the strong, brave, stubborn she-wolf.

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