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I swear I imagined everything that happened yesterday, but I didn't. It was all real. Reality came hitting me hard, being back here. All the drama and complications that came with it too. It's why I left this place. And goddess knows why I even bothered to return.

I dressed in a pair of denim skinny jeans, a plain white tea and a thick black belt, with silver clasp. I looked around my room for a pair of shoes, not sure what I was wanting to wear. I decided on a pair of classic converses. The Chucks. I didn't bother with doing anything with my hair and the thought of make-up scared me.

Lip balm will do.

I looked around my room for my phone, I needed to make a quick call. Searching through my blankets on my bed, my bedside and the bathroom, I huffed out. I finally found it in yesterday's old clothes. Taking it out of my short pockets, I clicked and swiped my phone. Finding the contact I let the phone dial.

After two, almost three rings.

"OH finally!" A squeal came through the other end. "Boy, I've been itching to talk to you. My brother called me earlier."

I groaned. "Oh yeah, what did he say?"

"That you've a royal pain in his arse." She giggles back through the phone. I could see her, imagine her, giggling like a school girl. Goddess knows how she's going to rule, one day.

"Oh ha ha, I've always been a pain in the arse, Orion. Regardless of you and your title." I giggle back at her.

"Hmm, that you have been." She agrees with me. "Anyway, what did you want to talk about? You obviously called for a reason, now spill."

I let out a sigh. "So, I won't be able to visit for another month of so, depending on when my brothers mate has his pup."

She squeals from the other end. I pull the phone away from ear, trying not to became deaf from it. "Oh goddess, that is fantastic news. Wait, this is Lorcan yeah?"

"Yes Lorcan." I roll my eyes. "On other news, Matthias found his mate. Her name is Elliot, well Ellie. But I think she'll do him good."

"Well, poop. I wanted that older brother of yours." She whines.

"You're acting like a child. You'll find your mate one day. Remember a mate..."

"A mate isn't the be all and end all. Yeah, yeah. Great advice from someone who got rejected." She's irritated.

I stay silent for a few moments. "My mate passed away months ago, O."

"Oh, Winnie, I am so sorry. I didn't mean it." I could sense her panicking.

"Hey, calm down. You didn't know, neither did I. It gets worse too, his mate knew about me and he and her have a pup. Names Jaxon too." I shake my head. "Karma's a bitch isn't it?"

"You weren't to know. Anyway, you better turn that frown upside down. I'm sure my brother will help you."

I groan. "What did you brother tell you?"

"Oh nothing. Nothing at all." She chirps through the other end of the phone. "Just don't disregard him because your older than him. Or that fact that his Royal. Remember, I am to be your queen."

"Ew, don't remind me." I reply, sarcastically.

"Hey! I take offence to that, young lady."

"Oh, so I'm a lady now?" I giggle back.

"Goddess, I've missed out banter. But anyway, I'm off to do my royal duties. MY coronation is only a couple of months away, according to my father. So, we've began training." She moans through the other end. "Love ya Winnie, see you soon, hopefully. Please don't hurt my brother too."

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