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I cried, tears leaking down.

I sobbed, cried, shook myself. I was an uncontrollable mess and I didn't even know why I was doing this. I never wanted a mate, right? I never wanted Leander to be my mate or Jaxon. Yet, everything felt so wrong, my heart felt like it couldn't take anymore. Deep down, I knew I was budging and finally giving into my wolfs needs.

The only need it wanted. A Mate.

Something I always refused, but right now. I was wrong. Something I didn't want to admit or even agree to. I wanted to jump up and down, rant and rave about how a mate didn't matter. How a mate isn't the be all and end all. But what I was feeling, wasn't what I ever wanted to feel.


A felt sad, alone, like no body wanted to care for me, have the need to care for me. My heart was breaking once again, like it had once before. Right after Jaxon did his deed. If Jaxon had only accepted me, I wouldn't be in this boat. But then I wouldn't have met Orion or Kat or had the adventures and travels I wanted.

My phone was distracting me from my thoughts. I picked up it, seeing as it was Orion.

"Holy mother of goddess. Did you hear?" She was excited.

"I did, I was there." I sigh out, trying to hide the fact that I was dying.

"Oh, yeah. I wasn't talking about that. I'm surprised Kat didn't tell you. I found my mate, Winnie. Someone, who I never thought I'd be with."

And my heart broke once again. Everyone had a someone in there life, but me. I was all alone and dying. My heart was shattering, breaking and not repairing in anyway. This time, I felt like I was beyond repair and it wasn't anyone's fault, but my own. I caused this, it was all mine. Everything was because I was too stubborn to realise that I needed a mate to live.

"Oh, O, congrats." I try and act surprise.

"I'm so happy, Winnie. Like you've got no idea. I'm even more happy that Kat found hers. Even if it's my baby brother." She moans. "I can't believe we've all found our mates..."

She said something I never thought she say. Because we haven't all found our mates. I was mate less.

"Oh fuck. Oh goddess. I'm so sorry Winnie. That was insensitive of me. Please forgive me?" She begs.

I hold back the tears and the heartache, I just couldn't take anymore. I was truly dying right this moment. "I forgive you."

"I'm sorry again." She apologises and then I hear a giggle from the other end. "Can you go away, please, I'm on the phone." She whispers on the other end. I hear a groan and something else said before she is finally alone.

"I'm guessing you weren't alone?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I just had to call you."

"You guys weren't... You know..."

"Oh goddess no. We just woke up from a nap. Trust me, no marking will happen until after I'm coronated and crowned. My parents are fine with that, considering who I am. They don't want some male walking in saying that his my mate and he becomes king. Only for him not to be my true mate." She babbles on. "But I think he is." She gushes.

I hurt. "Hey, listen, O. I'm actually in the middle of something. I'll give you a call back later?"

"Oh for sure Winnie. I can't wait till you and Kat are here. Talk later sweets."

We hang up and I hold my phone in my hands for a few moments, before chucking it away. Somewhere into the forest. I didn't want to live or have anyone talking to me. My phone kept on buzzing and I ignored it. I just wanted to be alone, because that was all I was feeling.

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