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'Pssstttt. Winter.'

A voice in my head started to stir. I shot up from my sleeping position.

'Winter.' The voice said. 'Winter, I need you. I need help.'

It was my wolf. My wolf was reaching out, wanting me. 'I'm here.'

'I'm not doing so great.'

'I know, I can feel it.'

'I need a mate, Winter.'

I sighed and finally nodded my head in agreement. 'Then let's find one.'

My wolf jumped for joy and was finally starting to appear once more. I finally gave into my wolfs thoughts and emotions and needs. She needed a mate to live and I finally wanted to be truly happy, for both myself and my wolf. It took years, many tears, many arguments and lots of alcohol later, to finally give in to this mate thing.

I not only needed to save my wolf, but I needed to save myself from harming me. I didn't want to have a broken beyond repair heart, I wanted to be fixed, mended, loved and cared for. I just want to be happy. But was it because everyone around me had found their mates and they were happy? Or was it because I actually wanted this.

Either way, my wolf won over the pair of us. My stubbornness didn't help the situation, but right now. I just wanted my wolf happy, even if that caused my own happiness to fade. All I wanted was to have my wolf back, for her to be happy, regardless of mine. She needed this more than I needed my freedom and happiness.

I made my way over to my wardrobe, grabbing a pair of trackies and chucking them on. I kept my hair in my weird French braid thingy and walked out of the bedroom. And I walked into a big, tall, bulky man. His back was hard and tensed. He turned around to catch me from falling or tripping from the sudden bump.

Lewis smiled at me, seeing I was awake and alive.

"Have you been standing outside my door this whole time?" I steady myself.

"Yes. I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to do anything."

"Well, jeez, thanks for the concern." I mutter, proceeding to walk away from him. He followed me from behind, like a lost puppy or something. "Don't you have more important things to do with your life? Like be with your wife or girlfriend? Or go hunting or whatever."

"Firstly, I don't go hunting or whatever." He mocks me. "Secondly, I don't have a girlfriend or a wife."

"Right. Hard to believe that." I scoff. I shake my head at his lies.

"I'm not lying, you know. I don't have one. My mate died years ago."

"Wait, did you say mate? So you were a hunter werewolf mate ship, huh." I ponder what he says.

"Yes, one of those 'mateships', as you call it." He looks at me. "I was born into a werewolf family, but I didn't get my wolf, I was born human. It's weird and uncommon these days. So I left and found my mate, goddess knows how. But I became a hunter in the mean time. Not one of those bad hunters though, a good one.

"Once my mate died, after a rogue attack, I became more of a baddie kind of hunter. But I met your father and he helped me."

"I'm surprised my dad hasn't mentioned you sooner." I turn to look at him, only to bump into his firm, hard chest. "Sorry." I mutter, avoiding eye contact.

He places his hand under my chin and lifts my head up. "There's something about you, Winter. Something good about you."

"I doubt that. I only cause happiness for everyone else, but myself. I'd stay away from me if I was you." I push his hand away and walk away from him.

The Lone Wolfحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن