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I ate dinner in my room, by myself. I didn't want company. I didn't want to see my family or Leander. I just wanted peace and quiet. My room of solitude. I just sat on my bed, laptop open and Netflix on. No clue what I ended up putting on, because I fell asleep.

Waking up the next morning, I wouldn't call it morning.I woke up around noon, completely missing breakfast and not exactly wanting lunch or to see the pack. I disrespected their Luna yesterday, they understood why I said what I said, but under laws, I had disrespected her. I needed to apologise to her, but truth be known, she would appear before me as I exit my bedroom.

"Luna." I'm caught be surprise. I didn't even address her as Ellie or Elliot, it was just Luna.

"Winnie." She gives me a soft smile.

"Listen, Luna, I'm sorry for my behaviour yesterday. I disrespected not only you, but my family. You are my family now."

Ellie smiles. "I accept your apology." She quickly grabs me, pulls me into a hug. I reacted and held her for a few moments. We finally pulled apart. "I'm heading out to help some pups. Did you want to come?"

I blinked. "Ummm. Not really my thing. And with Junior hovering around, I'd rather avoid."

Ellie nods and understands my reasoning. She gives me a quick goodbye and wave, before leaving me standing in the hall by myself again. I stood there for a few moments, then deciding I needed a shower and to get dressed. Out of my comfy PJ's and into clothes. Turning on the ball of my foot, I marched to my bathroom.

Washing my body, giving my hair a quick rinse with shampoo, to make it somewhat presentable. I finished and then proceeded to brush my teeth. Having a towel wrapped around my body, tooth brush in hand in my mouth, I made my way to my closet to decide what I was going to wear. I looked through and decided on something simple.

A pair of vintage Levi high waisted shorts, a black star studded belt and a old plain white tee.

I placed them onto my bed, with my undergarments, socks and a pair of chucks. I moved to the bathroom to spit out my toothpaste mixture. Rinsing with a mouthful of water, I put some moisturise on my face and then grabbed my lip balm. Plain and simple routine, which never changed.

Getting dressed and finally tying up my shoe laces. I stood up, placing my lip balm into my pocket and my phone as well. I grabbed my necklace and walked out of my bedroom. Walking down the hallway, downstairs, I was having troubles putting my necklace on. Only I would be able to do that. It was a constant battle.

"Need a hand?"

I finally looked up and saw Leander standing there. Denim shorts, tight black tee and a flannie shirt which he had his arms rolled up. Leander moved towards me and I gave him the necklace. I turned around, pulling my hair up so he could place the necklace on.

The moment he touched my skin, today, I didn't fell the same as I previously did. It shocked me, but I kept my gasp to myself. I felt his touch, it was soft, a little tingle, but nothing over the top. Something happened between Leander and I. And this is why I didn't want to get my hopes up about anything or anyone.

He clasped on the necklace and I adjusted it. "Thanks."

"You're Welcome." He gives me a soft smile. "Where are you heading off to?"

"Umm. I was going for a walk." I replied. He started to say something, but paused. "Alone, your highness."

I gave him a curt bow of my head and moved away from him. He needed to know his place with us. I wasn't going to stop him from making the biggest decision in his life. Choosing me or his mate. He hesitated yesterday, he took his time answering if I was his true mate. And I already felt guilty and he seemed like he felt guilty.

The Lone WolfOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant