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It's been almost five years since I up and left my family, my pack.

I didn't leave without a goodbye or mysteriously during the middle of the night. Trust me, I wouldn't get through all the security and boarder patrols. I didn't get kicked out either. I left for my freedom. I didn't want to feel all the pain and suffering from what my mate was doing with God knows who.

It was tough. I felt everything. Every time they mated, every lick and bite, I was broken. It didn't stop until a couple of months ago. I didn't even realise it. My heat didn't even help and situation at all. I had to lock myself up, somewhere in the middle of nowhere. I went through my heat, all by myself. No help, no mate.

I learnt to control everything. Also, sometimes medical remedy's help the situation. No, I'm not talking alcohol or wolfs bane, but other natural herbs and things helped me through it all.

Now, I stand here, a bag between my feet. A backpack on my shoulders and a suitcase to my left. A pair of sunglasses on my face, to help with the bright summer sunshine. Looking up at the huge iron gate, cobblestone fencing, I could see some of the houses peaking through the trees. It felt good to be back.

"Excuse me?" A voice called from my side. I turned to face the voice. The only person with that voice I know. "Are you the long lost Luna of this pack?" His smile was wide and cheeky. He was joking.

I dropped whatever was in my hands and ran to the person before me. "Oh goddess, I missed you Lorcan!" I wrap my arms around him tightly.

See, the thing between Lorcan and I is, we got along more than Matty and I. Yeah we all got along with eachother, but Lorcan and I were closer. He found his mate with a friend of mine, Iliana. And how he was lucky to have her.

"I missed you more than you could ever know." He smiled back at me, realising us from our hug. "C'mon, we better get you back into the pack. You've surely missed loads."

"Where's Matty?"

"With his mate..." He wiggled his eyebrows at me, insinuating something.

"He found his mate?" I was shocked. Matty never travelled, he couldn't because he was future Alpha and all.

Lorcan picked up my remaining bags that were on the ground. I kept my backpack on. "Yeah, it's a long story though. Trust me, it's been a process to even get to them accepting each other."

"Huh, that bad?" I frown. Lorcan nods at me. "How's Ili?"

"My beautiful Ana, not Ili, is pregnant and amazing and I couldn't be any luckier."

"Ohhhh. I'm going to be an Aunty!" I jumped, excitedly. I was squealing with joy. "How long have you two been together?"

"Two years. Remember when you left, Iliana left to visit her family in other packs. She wasn't here once she turned 18. I didn't even know until she came back from her visits."

"Well, I'm happy you found your mate and so did Matty. I never thought he'd find his or atleast his mate accept him." Lorcan gestures for us to make a move. "I'm glad it's Iliana, you two were always close with eachother. Even when I wasn't around, you being creepy with my friends."

I give him a quick shove and he just smirks and blushes.

As we walked through the gate, a few members of the pack bowed there heads at us. A few stares from people that didn't know who I was, nor that I knew them. I gripped my straps from my backpack and played with my necklace around my neck. I was nervous. Five years and things had changed around here.

A few new buildings around the area. More members of the pack. New faces and old appeared everywhere. A few smiles and nods of the head. A few more smirks and curious eyes from unmated males. I had grown whilst I was away, both physically and emotionally. I smiled and waved to a few people, saying my greetings.

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