
767 13 7

Requested: @LeMaster01

You were sparring with Melnya. The problem? It was Valentine's Day. And on Valentine's Day...

"We don't need all these chocolate mint cookies!"

...She becomes Delicious Melnya and buys an atomic bomb's worth of chocolate mint cookies.

"I need them!"

"Melnya, you have no more of those cats and thus, you are going to be the only one eating them," you told her pointedly.

She winked and draped her arms over your shoulders. "Who said I would eat them alone, nya~?"

Then she hit you and turned, pushing the trolley. "Me and my stomach will eat them all!"

"You're gonna get sick!"

"I don't care, nya!"

The next day, you had to feed her medicine.

"I don't want it, nya!"

"This will cure you of that stomachache you got from all those cookies!"

She whined, but you finally did it. Then, she fell asleep under the blankets. You petted her tenderly.

"You're a pain, Mel, but you're too cute. I love you."

When you left, Melnya opened an eye. "Hehe, I love you too, nya~."

Then she took a container of those chocolates she bought yesterday. "It's sweeter than my love of chocolates-aww, these melted!"

Melnya, nO-

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