Lolimere Suisho

668 5 2

Requested: @LeMaster01

"You will perish! Take this!"

You narrowly avoided the beam, and glared at her.

"Suisho, you can't K.O people with that. Even if they're committing a crime."

She pouted. "Not even...a teeny-tiny bit?"


She put her hands in the air in mock surrender. "Sheesh, fine. Look, a ducky!"

You couldn't help but smile a little as Suisho was flocked by ducks, like a Duck Queen. You took a picture. Luni would be so mad. Speaking of which...

"Hey, Suisho! We should go now. We need to find Luni."

As you two walked down the street, you saw a parade going on. And Luni was on top of a float.

"Duck Week is an actual thing?"

"Looks like I have to challenge Luni. There can only be one Duck Queen!"

Summoning her duck friends, the coolest airborne fight occured right there. Being a good significant other, you cheered Suisho on.

It was a long and hard fight that would be most likely be buried away in the past, forgotten. Fortunately, storytellers are here. Suisho won the Title of Duck Queen.

She waved to the crowd and then held you closely. "Love me. Together, we'll rule~."

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