
697 10 0

Requested: @LeMaster01
~Warning: Tiny dose of weirdness. If you could call it that.~

You were visiting Nekoshima today. However, you ended up seeing Keitoku and Melnya chasing her. Outside her house. And Gacha Salt running for his salty life.

"Help! HELP MEEE!"


Keitoku slowed down and greeted you quickly. "Hi, Summoner. It's a sudden request but-"

"-please help us stop Nekoshima, nya! She's trying to murder Gacha Salt!" Melnya finished.

"...Run that by me again, please. Starting with, 'Why and How did this even start?'"

And so, Keitoku briefly told you how Gacha Salt accidentally bumped into her and knocked her into the river. Since Gacha Salt contained, well, salt, some of it fell on Nekoshima.

It wouldn't have been too bad if she hadn't sustained little cuts when sparring with Melnya.

You nodded and took a rope that was casually lying around. For some totally not plot-related reason.

"Okay, I think I have a plan."

Meanwhile, Nekoshima was about to pounce on Gacha Salt. Before she could, though...

"Nya! Who tripped me?!"

As Gacha Salt successfully fled, you helped her up while smiling cheekily. "Are you okay?"

"No! That salty shaker made me fall into the river, nya! And I just finished sparring!"Nekoshima complained.

You sighed and carried her over her shoulder. "Alright, Nekoshima. Let's patch you up."

She blushed a bright red. "P-Put me down, I can walk on my own!"

"Don't wanna. You're too cute."

Nekoshima blushed harder. "Are you saying you like me?! Answer me n-"

"Yep. Do you feel the same?"

"...Is feeling blissful whenever I spend time with you counted as love?"

"Yes, yes it is."

Gacha x Reader {Request Closed!}Where stories live. Discover now