Nova (Fem Reader)

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Eh? Are the chapters repetitive? Can someone tell me if the chapters are repeating themselves in the book?
"Ugh, it's impossible to defeat him!" you complained to another summoner who had already beaten Nova and was training to beat Ellie.

It had been well over a year since you started fighting with Nova and quite frankly, you were starting to get annoyed.

"Play dirty."


The other summoner pointed her Gacha dagger to face you. You immediately blocked it with your morphed Gacha stick to keep the dagger stuck in it. "Play dirty. You already have the skills, the reflexes, everything. Now you just need to keep him off his game. I beat him by pretending to be defeated. When he came to me to mock, I sliced his head off."

"But, you know," he shrugged, "Lunime is, like, for kids, so we can't have bloody decapitated visuals. Instead, I got a critical and defeated him."

You nodded, gears slowly turning in your head. You had a plan.

The next time you faced off Nova, he said his usual lines and started to attack you. Strangely, he seemed to be trying not to hurt you as much. He was a tad bit slower when he attacked, allowing you to dodge in time. But why?

After a while, you noticed that he was beginning to tire. The sweltering summer heat was heating up his armor, making it similar to a human oven.

"Wait, Nova! Let's stop, you'll die of overheating like this!"

"What? No way! I'm almost gonna beat you!" he yelled as he dashed towards you.

"Ugh, fine! In that case, I will defeat you first!"

You grabbed the packet of chilli powder you were saving for this moment and threw it into his face. Questionable move, but it seemed to work.

He hacked and coughed, throwing away his mask as tears ran down his eyes. A crit floated above him, followed by a gaudy red "DEFEAT'. You finally won!

"Oi, what was that?!"

You turned to Nova. "Chilli powder. Look, even if you didn't die because of me, you would've died because of heatstroke."

"No, I wouldn't."

"What do you mean, 'no'?! You couldn't even stand straight! You missed so many times obviously cause you were getting light-headed! Geez, you're so stubborn! Now shut up and get out of that armor! If I'm from the tropics and I feel hot, who knows what'll happen if you stay in that armor too long!"

He turned his head arrogantly. "Hmph! You think too highly of yourself. But.."

He paused for a moment, and you swore you could almost see his smirk behind the mask. "If you truly want me to take off my armor, I'm willing to do it for your sake."

As he said that, he slowly removed his helmet. Then his armor, revealing his toned muscles under a skintight uniform.

You knew he was doing this on purpose, trying to get your guard down. But it was pretty difficult not to drool over those hard, delicious..abs...

You shook yourself out of the more precocious thoughts and narrowly avoided getting sliced in half. With a firm stab through his heart, everything froze.

He glanced down at the dagger lodged into his chest as you pushed yourself away from him and collapsed onto the ground. Your eyes never left him as he looked up and smiled proudly at you, a bloom of red spreading and growing in size as blood stained his uniform. Then, as he disappeared in a pale yellow light...

"You weren't bad, summoner. Not bad at all."

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