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I actually have nothing to say about him.
You spat at him.

Corruption smirked down at you as he came closer.

Come on, (Y/N)! You're almost there! Just a bit more...

The last line was kind of unconvincing, since he had almost 35000 HP remaining.

He's using water, right? In that case...

"I summon Dice!"

Dice winked at you. "Don't worry, Summoner! We'll destroy him!"

In all honesty, you found Dice's tendency to flirt with everyone- and possibly inanimate objects- a bit worrying. However, he decided to pay a bit more attention to you for some unknown reason.

Dice rolled his dice and...

...landed a f***ing one.

"Dice!"You yelled in anger and panic.

"Sorry, Summoner!"

Then, the Corruption flew straight for you, laughing evilly as he used a fire attack.

Oh god no...

You closed your eyes and braced yourself for a world of pain. Instead, someone pushed you out of the way. You watched as Corruption ran his sword through Dice who simply smiled at you. He closed his eyes as his body vaporised slowly and black flowed through his blood vessels.

"You can...d-do it, Summoner...I believe in y-you..."

Tears fell from your cheeks. Then, you yelled. Pure emotion and rage laced with pain, regret and misery rang out far and wide. Ellie stepped back in surprise and all the units, including those from Gacha Woods heard it. You looked to your feet and then, you laughed.

In a fit of rage, you got Jack Ace to drstroy the boss. He looked at you with a hint of worry before finishing off the boss. Numbly, you thanked him. Just then, Luni called you.

"(Y/N), Dice is corrupted! He's at the XKour Skylines!"

You were relieved that Dice was alive. However, the corrupted part sounded less appeasing.

"Thanks, Luni. C'mon, Ellie, we need to shank a Dice!"

It was horrible.

The moment you arrived, Kilios flew over you. It wouldn't sound so bad if he wasn't roughly twelve feet in the air and was going to crash and break his neck upon impact. You softened his fall by summoning Jester and letting Kilios land on her ball.

"Thank the gods, Summoner! Dice is destroying everything!" Kilios yelled over the sound of maniacal laughter.

Dice laid his eyes on you and the laughter was replaced by stutters. "S-Summoner, help me..."

Then, the old Dice was taken over. "Hahaha, how pathetic! Whimpering like a pansy! Will you really try to stop me with my overwhelming luck, Summoner?"

You glared. "Well, I need to wipe you out. I also need to get my dear friend back."

Despite the luck advantage Dice had, your tactical planning and extensive grinding eventually became the deciding factor. And you rose to become the victor. And as Corruption tried to stay in Dice, you could hear them fighting for domination by the sound of their voices.

"Give up, foolish boy! NO! I won't let you hurt my dear (Y/N)! I love them too much! You've hurt them endlessly, I won't let you hurt them with me as your puppet!"

You blushed slightly. Does he really...?

Then, he collapsed to the ground. You tried carrying him but he was too heavy. Hence, you decided to just drag him by the foot. It actually worked, but his head hit the steps a worrying amount of times since only Ellie was able to help you carry his head. The rest of the XKour Skyline crew were finishing off the monsters Corruption made.

Before you dragged his body into the XKour Headquarters, you heard Kilios' rapid footsteps.

"Did you drag him all the way here? Up the stairs?"

"Well, he's heavy, so..."

"(Y/N), it's lucky if he doesn't get a concussion."

"He's hella lucky, isn't he? He'll be fine, Kilios. Now help me carry him."

You were sleeping in the guest chair when Dice woke up in the 'Injuries Bay'. He immediately noticed you sleeping and decided to poke you.

"Summoner, my head hurts..."he whined, looking like a kicked puppy.

"Hm? Awake already? Lie down, you hit your head when you were Corrupted."

He raised an eyebrow. "You sure?"

"Go back to sleep."

"Cuddle me?"

You snickered playfully. "What are you, five?"

Dice played with his ponytail, putting on another innocent face. "Please?"

You rolled your eyes, blushing slightly. "Fine, I guess."

With that, you sat on the edge of his bed. Dice rolled his eyes and pulled you into the bed. For that moment, there was silence. You heard his heart beating rapidly. The silence was immediately broken when he tickled you. One problem happened, though.

"Dice. I'm not ticklish," You deadpanned.

"Aww...I just wanted to make you laugh. I personally like it when you smile."

Then silence ensued. Nobody spoke. Nobody moved.

"You know...although Corruption consumed me, I heard your scream. I saw the pained expression you had when we fought just now," Dice said quietly.

He put his head on your shoulder and closed his eyes. His grip on you tightened. "Promise me this, (Y/N). Please don't do that. It's agony to see you in such a state."

"I'll try."

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