Yandere! Kuku (Not intense version)

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*Evil, satanic laughter* YES! YES YES YES-*Reads title*
Oh wait.
"Kuku, w-why did you do this?!"

You had woken up from a splitting headache to find yourself chained to the bed. Kuku twirled her knife like a baton before bringing it down on a phone.

"Did you really try to call the police on me? A yandere?"

You were frozen, unable to speak. That was a stupid move on your behalf. She'd basically imprisomed you in her home, cut off from the outside world. You couldn't see you family and friends. Even the school grounds would've been a welcoming sight at this point.

"Now, now, Senpai. You shouldn't try to escape from me. Or else," she smiled sadistically. "All those you love will end up dead. Got it?"

With no other option, you nodded. She smiled.

"I'm glad we sorted this out peacefully, Senpai. Now, we can be together forever..."
That was short, wasn't it? Trust me, I'd rather write the intense version. Oh! That reminds me.

I will be publishing another version of this ask. However, I realised that the intense version is a bit...god, how do I explain... intense. Hence, I published this one for those who are a bit weak in the knees due to possibly graphic descriptions.

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