Chapter 25

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A/N: I'm going to be really busy the next couple of weeks, but had a chapter ready to go for you to hold you over! Hope you enjoy seeing them at home with EJ, xoxo


I hummed as I rocked EJ back to sleep. We'd spent our first night at home, and he'd been quite restless. In turn, I was utterly exhausted. I'd be lucky to remember my name by the end of the day. I'd moved him to his nursery and chose to sleep on the floor, so Jamie wouldn't be up with us all night in our room. It didn't do much good as he came in every other hour anyway to make sure we were okay.

I heard a light tap on the door and looked up to see Dulcie peeking in. It was Christmas Eve and I knew she was all out of sorts from meeting her new brother and Santa's impending arrival. She'd told us before bed she was worried he wouldn't be able to find her. Jamie promised to email him and let him know she was in Ohio, which seemed to appease her.

"You can come in," I said.

"He asleep?"

I nodded.

"Okay," she whispered back.

"Move the ottoman over." I dropped my feet from it and she pushed it beside the rocker, crawling up and kneeling to look at her brother.

"Will he cry if you put him to bed?"

I grinned. "Yeah, he cries a lot. Did he keep you up?"

She shook her head. "I heard him once."

I kissed her temple. "Good. It's awfully early, why are you awake?"

She shrugged. "I wanted to see if he was okay."

My heart began leaping at her adorable confession. "Aww, sweetheart he's fine. Daddy and I won't let anything happen to him. Or you."

She rested her cheek on my arm and watched him sleep. I looked back and forth between the two of them, enjoying the intimate moment.

"We should sing to him," I said.

"What song?"

"Do you know You Are My Sunshine?"

She nodded. "I can sing that."

"Perfect, but not too loud."

She looked at me as I began the song. She matched my volume and pacing, and it made me smile. I sensed a presence and when I gazed up I saw Jamie standing in the doorway. Dulcie kept singing to her brother as I winked at him.

He slowly walked in. "Good morning, babies."

"Morning, Daddy," I said.

"Hi, Daddy," Dulcie whispered. It was sweet how she was staying quiet for EJ.

"Did we wake you?" I asked.

He gave me his shy grin. "I heard you on the baby monitor."

I wrinkled my forehead. "Why was it on?"

He shrugged. "Peace of mind."

I bit my bottom lip as he came over to kiss Dulcie on top of her head, and very lightly pressing his lips to our son's cheek. I smirked when he leaned in to kiss me hard on the mouth.

"What a vision to wake up to," he mumbled.

I nodded. "Dulcie wanted to check on her brother."

He moved his gaze to hers. "That's sweet of you, baby girl."

"Will Santa bring him anything or he's too little?"

She was back on the Christmas curiosity. Luckily we had both sets of our parents in town to help wrap everyone's presents, because Jamie and I were useless beyond caring for our newborn.

Take it From Here (Jamie Dornan) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now