Chapter 6

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A/N: I said I wouldn't keep you waiting long, so here's your answer to that cliffhanger. Thank you for reading, supporting, voting, and commenting :) xo



My heart beat audibly as my mom's hand gripped mine tighter from my position on the table, in the silence of Dr. Parks' office.

"So now what?" I asked, looking up at the doctor.

"Now you rest."

I sighed. "I feel like all I do is rest."

"Don't argue," my mom said. "Listen to the professional. Just this once. Please."

Dr. Parks chuckled at her words. "Your mom is right. Trust me, we don't want to push it. A healthy mommy equals a healthy baby."

"I've gone from feeling useless to helpless to scared shitless," I muttered.

"These things unfortunately happen," she answered. "They're frightening, but you acted fast. Not that polyps cause miscarriages; however, the quick thinking on your part and your father-in-law's advice were both vital. Sometimes our bodies shake us to the core to remind us to slow down. So relax and breathe for a few days."

I looked at the ultrasound photo in my free hand. The little grey and white blob that confirmed our baby was still in there and doing okay despite my episode. My head was spinning with gratitude and anxiety. An interesting combo to say the least.

"Whatever I have to do to keep this one safe," I said.

Dr. Parks smiled warmly and it calmed my still panicked nerves. "It's only 48 hours, but no rigorous activity for the next seven months anyway. Sound easy enough?"

I nodded with a grin. "Thank you for your demeanor and concern today. I know we're in good hands."

"Yes," my mom added. "Thank you for caring for both of my babies. We're very fortunate this wasn't a devastating visit."

"The pleasure is mine, ladies. I have no doubt everything will continue in a positive direction. Kelsey is very healthy and cervical polyps occur naturally due to increased estrogen levels. Her body went into overload if you will, and it wasn't anything she could've prevented. There's a chance you'll have them again, but if so we will hopefully catch them before another bursts. No more inducing panic for mommy."

I chuckled. "I have a little troublemaker in there. Pray for me."

We all laughed together.

"Do not hesitate to call if you have any further questions or concerns. My line is always on."

My mom and I both shook her palm before she exited the room. I closed my eyes as the stream of tears finally released, leaning my head back. The medical paper crunched beneath its weight.

"Thank the good Lord above you are both fine." I could hear the quivering in her voice as she joined me in my emotions.

We'd held it together like true champions, and I'd never been more proud to be her daughter, because I knew my strength had been passed on from her. She had gotten me through my entire life, trials, celebrations, and now it was my turn to draw from her and be strong for my baby.

"Agreed," I whispered, wiping the dampness on my sleeves. "What a freaking nightmare. I don't know what I would have done if...never mind. I can't go there again. My nerves are shot."

Her voice was shaky as she said, "No, let's not think about the what ifs."

I looked over and smiled. "I'd like to go home now."

Take it From Here (Jamie Dornan) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now