Chapter 48

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"There isn't a shot in hell you're talking to her." I hissed as Grant and I went into the hallway.

"I would think you'd be a little more interested in helping us track down the person who is after your girlfriend, Luca." Grant chuckled.

"No one is after her." I clenched my jaw. "It was an accident. I had too much to drink and shouldn't have been driving the boat. Simple as that."

"Simple as that?"

"Yeah, go ahead and give me a DUI if you need to. You can finally get my name on your arrest record like you've been so desperate for." I narrowed my eyes at him. His issue really was with me anyway. He should jump at this chance.

"Oh, I'm going to arrest you some day, Catalano. And when I do, it won't be on some bullshit made up charges. We both know this was no accident. What happened? Did you piss off the wrong person and now they're coming after Char? How does that make you feel that it's your fault she's in danger?"

I rolled my eyes, ignoring his taunts. Grant wanted a reaction and he wasn't about to get one from me.

"The only way you're talking to Charlotte is if I'm in the room." I said.

"Right..." Grant said. "So you can intimidate her into lying for you? Not going to happen.

"Then you can wait for our attorney to get here. You remember him, right? Nathan Elliot? He's the one who slapped you with obstruction of justice charges the last time you tried this bullshit."

"You're not in charge here, Luca." Grant said. "You can dance around this all you want, but it's a federal investigation now. If she won't talk to me here, I'll drag her down to the station the second you touch back down in New York."

"Listen you son of a bitch, if you so much as come near her again..." I lunged toward him, but Angelo pulled me back.

"Luca, not here."

"Listen to your keeper, Luca." Grant chuckled. "I know you don't give a damn about her, Catalano. You're playing games with her and she's going to wind up dead."

"What the hell is going on out here?" Elena hissed, rushing toward us.

"Elena!" Grant said, suddenly straightening up.

"Are you two out of your minds? My daughter is lying in there in a hospital bed and you're having some kind of who-is-bigger-than-who fight out here?"

"Elena, we were just trying..."

"I don't care! You both need to get a grip or get out of here. I won't have this around her."

Grant and I both stepped back, dropping out heads. She was right. This was the last thing Charlotte needed right now. Especially in such a public display. I would deal with Grant, but not now. Not until things were settled.

"You need to leave." She pointed to Grant. "Charlotte will contact you when she's ready, and only when she's ready. She just woke up and this is the last thing she needs."


"Grant, I swear to God..." I growled.

"And you," She turned to me. "You and I need to talk. I am going in there to see my daughter, and then I'll deal with you."

She turned abruptly, disappearing into Charlotte's room and Grant and I stood there like whipped puppies after both being thoroughly scolded by Elena. I spent the last several years being afraid to upset Antonio, when the one I really should have been afraid of was Elena. She was terrifying when she was angry, although I couldn't say I blamed her. The beef I had with Grant was pennies compared to getting Charlotte healthy.

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