Chapter 9

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I knew the very moment that this guy walked into my hotel that something was off. No one came in or out of this place without my team following up, and I had a hunch that him being here tonight was no coincidence. He was one of Silvano's men, I just knew it. With his every move being watched by Angelo, I felt confident enough to continue on to my date with Charlotte.

That had gone downhill quickly, and when she left, I went to meet Angelo for an update. That was when we saw the man follow Charlotte into the elevator. We got there quickly, but every second she was alone with him was one too many.

When the doors to the elevator opened, the man had Charlotte pressed against the wall and gun in her ribs. He craned his neck toward the door, shocked to see us and quickly scrambling away from her.

"Hey man, this isn't..."

I charged toward him, grabbing the collar of his shirt and throwing him into the wall, slamming my forearm into his throat. "This isn't what it looks like? Is that what you were about to tell me?"

The guy sputtering and gasped, the last remnants of air leaving his lungs. A deep shade of blue blanketed his face as he fought against me.

"She was..." He croaked out.

I loosened my grip, giving him a moment's reprieve so he could speak.

"She was into it." A wicked smirk spread across his lips.

As if I needed proof the slimy bastard was lying, Charlotte shook her head wildly—crumpled up on the floor with mascara tears streaming down her cheeks and a horrified look in her eyes.

"Shut the fuck up." Angelo put his gun to his temple.

I bent down to Charlotte, scooping her up off the floor. "Are you okay?"

She didn't even answer, just buried her face into my chest and sobbed--all the bravado and confidence she had just a few minutes ago shattering into pieces.

"It's okay, you're safe now." I assured her.

"Who are you?" Angelo growled, pulling the hammer of his pistol back.

"Silvano sent me."

All I saw was blind rage. Silvano was at it again. He sat in that restaurant and lied straight to my face, he was stupid enough to come after her again, and he had the audacity to send someone into my place of business. I had given him a courtesy the first time around, and but I wouldn't make that mistake again. Until I could get my hands on him directly, this guy would have to do.

I lunged at him, wrapping my fingers around his next and slamming him against the wall with a deafening thud. The harder he fought against me, the harder I squeezed, feeling the life drain out of him in my bare hands. He was no match for my strength, and all of the flailing and kicking around he was doing was of no use. I let up for a moment, and cracked my fist against his nose sending a spray of blood in all directions. Charlotte gasped out loud behind, jerking me back to reality.

"Luca, not in front of her..." Angelo nodded toward Charlotte. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. This wasn't the time or the place. Charlotte wasn't the only audience we had as a crowd was starting to form at the commotion we had caused.

I hesitated, but grabbed Charlotte's hand and led her down the hallway to my private elevator. She didn't need to be paraded around right now. I needed to get her somewhere private where we could have a very serious conversation.

One attack, I might be able to turn the other cheek on. Maybe it was a coincidence. But this was twice. And tonight, had been bolder than I had ever expected from an old goat like Silvano. There was a connection there, and I was going to find it. And if Charlotte had been lying this entire time, God help her.

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