Chapter 31

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"Are you sure we can't jus stay here all day?" I reached out for Charlotte's hand, trying to drag her back into bed. After our conversation on the bench, she obviously didn't make it for my run and we came upstairs for the fun part of making up after a fight. 

I didn't mind an audience, but I'm betting Charlotte was glad that the lobby was relatively empty. Although the man monitoring surveillance cameras probably got one hell of a show today. I couldn't keep my hands off of her as we rushed inside her apartment. It was like admitting our love for each other sparked an even more intense connection between us, and we were deliriously insatiable for each other. 

There was something magical about sex with Charlotte and unlike anything I ever experienced before. I had been with a whole plethora of women, but nothing was even comparable to Charlotte. Every time with her felt as special and impassioned as the first. It was always exciting, always fresh, and always left me longing for more of her. More of her in any capacity. 

"I can't." She whined, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout. "I still have three paintings left to do. Not all of us have enough money to use it as Kleenex." 

"Well, I talked to your boss, and he said you can have an extension. And he'd be more than happy to pay you double. In fact, he's got some intriguing ideas of how he can pay you..." I said, propping myself up in the bed on my forearm. The way I let the covers fall left me just barely covered up, and my lips curled into a smile as Charlotte blushed. "Now get your ass back in this bed." 

She rolled her eyes, bending down and giving me a quick kiss. "I want to, but I really need to go in. I need to paint for my own sanity." 

"Fine." I conceded, knowing how important her work was to her. "Will you come over tonight? I'll cook you dinner." 

"Sure." Charlotte said, grabbing her purse. "I'll call you when I get done. Will you water the plants on your way out?" 

"Yep! Bye babe!" 

"Bye!" She called over her shoulder, shutting the front door behind her. 

I ran my fingers through my hair, chuckling to myself. Water her plants? Jesus, my father was probably rolling over in his grave. I was in big fucking trouble with this girl. 


"Marco, I'm going in the back to work on a painting. Do you have to follow me back there too?" I raised my eyebrow at him. Since the whole fiasco with Reggie a few days ago, Luca was sending Marco to babysit me at the gallery, and while I loved spending time with Marco, his constant supervision was getting on my nerves.

He was my shadow the last three days, and I was convinced this was all overkill.

He gave me a sympathetic grin. "Boss's orders."

"I figured." I rolled my eyes and headed towards the back, Marco close behind me.

"I'm sorry, Char. You know Luca's just worried about you." He tried to defend as we went into the studio.

Worried about me, or keeping tabs on me? Honestly, it was hard to tell.  "It's been weeks since the shooting at the restaurant and no one has tried to even contact me since." I protested knowing I was talking to the wrong person. It was Luca I needed to be having this discussion with and he would have none of it if I tried.

"Except for Grant." Marco smirked.

"Right." I sighed. "He may be an asshole, but he's harmless." 

"He's also an enemy of Luca's, and that puts you in the crossfire. I wouldn't put it past him to use you to try to take Luca down." He threw himself down onto the couch next to my easel, making himself right at home.

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