True intentions

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I slam the door shut behind me making sure Christian is aware of my anger. I walk away from the house in speed not even knowing where I'm headed.

I'm expecting him to come after me. But knowing Christian he would just wait for me to cool down and come back to him. He wouldn't stress himself to even lifting up a finger for me. Although he claims he'd do anything for me.

Anything my ass.

My anger doesn't seem to be caused by Christian though. I'm expressing my anger towards him, but I'm not exactly mad at him.

The problem is me. I don't like the person I am around Christian. At all. I feel like I have to be proper, I have to be sexy, I have to be enthusiastic. Around Christian I feel like I have to.... no I'm expected to be some kind of porn star.

I want to be who I am around him. A loving mother, a hard worker, and a humble person.

"Annika." My name is called out by Christian. It's obviously him although I didn't think it would be him. He seems to have gotten dressed also.

He's wearing a pair of black and white Adidas joggers and a black Hoodie that says Princeton University on it.

I didn't expect him to come after me.

"Wait okay." He grabs my shoulder pulling me back.

I turn around getting my annoyed, I'm going to kill you face on but he already beat me to it. I turn around with a fearful expression instead of my intentional annoyed look.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He snaps at me. His eyes full of rage and... disgust?

I look at him with fear in my eyes. I'm actually scared for my life. What did I do to get him this angry?

"Ahh, what are you talking about?" I ask scratching my forehead with confusion.

"Put it on." He hands me a ginormous black hoodie. Christian owns hoodies? He proves himself to be more of a human instead of a robot day by day.

"Why?" I ask raising a brow.

"Annika. Put the damn hoodie on before I put it on you myself." He gives me a straight face.

I grab the hoodie and slowly slip it on. It falls down just above my knees.

"Come on." He demands placing his hand on my lower back pushing me forward.

"Where?" I question as we reach his car. He unlocks the car and opens the door for me. I slip in without argument. He goes around and enters the drivers seat.

"Where are we going?" I ask putting my seatbelt on.

"Can you shut up and wait." He groans in annoyance, starting the car.

"Why are you speaking to me like that?" I turn to him also slightly annoyed.

He scoffs. And makes a U turn speeding down the deserted road.

"Im going to need you to just shut the hell up. Apparently you think I'm fucking stupid." He makes a sharp left turn.

"Christian slow down. What are you talking about?" I question trying to calm him down before he kills us.

He digs into his pocket and pulls out my phone, and chucks it at me.

I turn it on and notice the first thing that pops up.

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