What's underneath

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"How was your first day of work?" Ev asks before putting a spoonful of Frosted Flakes into her mouth.

"Stressing. I fell asleep as soon as I got home. My boss is annoying. And my coworkers are stuck up white girls." I complain. While trying to put my heels on and walking over to the fridge at the same time.

"Your boss annoying cause he white?" Ev asks looking down at her bowl not giving me eye contact. 

"A little." I respond opening the fridge door while looking at her from the corner of my eye.

Where's this coming from.

"Say if your boss is different. You know. He might not be as bad as daddy's boss. Not all of...."

"Hush your mouth." I snapped at her. She looks at me with wide eyes.

"They're all the same. Arrogant, rich, selfish, brats." I grip the door of the fridge. "You don't know what they did to your daddy." I explain while shutting the fridge not bothering to get anything out of it.

I grab an apple from the fruit bowl
on the island.

"I'll see you after work." I mumble while picking up my bag and exiting the house.

As soon as I close the door the guilt hit me as hard as the cold air. I was a little too harsh on her.

I'll make it up to her after work.

"Good morning." I say entering Mr. Hamilton's room.

But he's not here.

Great I'll just make myself comfy in my office. I walk over to the clear glass door and open it with one hand and my coffee and bag in the other.

I placed my coffee on my desk and my bag on the sofa. I feel tempted to look for my boss. I feel a lot better knowing I'm not the only one here.

I exit my office and look around. Three doors. One in the far corner, and two big ones at the other side of the room.

I call shotgun. I'm going for the big ones.

I walk over to the doors and barge in not thinking of what or who I will encounter behind the big doors.

Before I could even react to the large table with four or five people siting there. A tray of drinks comes in contact with my upper body. And then a body is thrown on top of me as we fell onto the hard tile floor.

We make lots of noise as the expensive glasses fall to the floor and shatter into pieces. All the fluid in them spilling out. 

All over me and my clumsy companion.

I look up to find a pair of blue eyes staring down at me. I push her off of me as she rolls off.
I sit up looking around.

Shit I'm pretty sure this is the meeting room and I just disturbed an entire meeting. 

Great. I'm going to get fired on my first full day. No don't think like that just get up and try to make the best of things.

I pick myself up. Making sure I don't slip on the liquid all over the floor which I believe is wine.

Everyone turns to face me. I look down at miss Campbel. And extend my hand out to her.

She looks at me with a disgusted look then tries to stand by herself but her eight inch heels fail her and she slips while grabbing onto the  bottom of my blouse for support.

Only to make matters worse. Oh my gosh!

Come on. She pulls on to my shirt ripping it and pulling half of it off. Oh my gosh!

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