"I love my daughter."

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"No. Everly Jackson please. You're killing me." I say through the phone as my voice cracks.

"Okay mom. I'll be there tonight." She says calmly.

"Okay I'll see you here baby." I smile to myself before hanging up.

I better get up and start cooking. What should I make for my baby girls return.

I got it I'll make her favorite lasagna casserole. I should probably make some fried rice, with beans and maybe some baked chicken.

Opening up the fridge I grab out two packets of ground beef and set them on the counter. Shit I forgot to get rid of these.

I grab out the containers of food that idiot made for me and dumped them all in the garbage. I'm keeping the wine because I don't have it in my heart to throw such a valuable item out.
I set everything on the dining table. Everything looks perfect for my baby girl. I even changed into something a little more formal. I'm wearing a tight spaghetti strap blue dress which reaches mid thigh for me. I put my hair up into a not/ bun. I have on silver hoops and long heeled black boots.

All I'm waiting on is for my baby girl to knock on the door and run into my arms. 

I sit on the coach attempting to distract myself with news. Yet the amount of homicides being displayed on my screen doesn't interest me as much as my baby girls arrival.

"Ding dong!"

Oh lord. I quickly rise to my feet and rush over to the door.

I unlock the door and open it.
Why do I feel like a 16 year old girl knowing she's about to be surprised with a car.


"Annika." He says as an acknowledgment of my presence.

"Israel." I nod.

We stare at each other awkwardly.

"Can I come in?" He asks looking past me.

"Actually no. I'm waiting for someone." I explain slowing shutting the door.

"Wait. I need to apologize." He stops me with his hand against the door forcing it open.

"Apology heard. Bye." I attempt to close the door again.

"Why are you acting like this? You are equally responsible for the state that we're in right now." He dares to accuse me.

"I thought you were here to apologize? That doesn't sound like apologizing." I cross my arms over my chest looking up at him as he enters my house fully.

"I am. Okay just hear me out." He places his hands on my shoulder. 

I quickly shake his hand off and step away a little.

He looks at his hand as if it were poisonous then back at me.

"I shouldn't have walked out that night. But if I had to repeat that night over I wouldn't hesitate to repeat the actions I made. He's just a boy Annika. Don't you remember being in high school? He's a good kid. And... I'm sorry but I felt the need to defend him because like I said he's a good kid." Israel explains while passing his hand over his head.

"Are you done?" I ask with a raised brow.

He nods slowly.

"I don't care about the kid. What bothers me is that you're with someone and you decided it okay to start talking to me." I clench my jaw keeping myself from kneeing him in the sack.

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