Chapter Twenty-Nine

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   "No you won't," Marisa said.

   Val snorted. "I'm calling bullshit." Val walked over to Spencer. "She'd freak out every second your near danger losing focus and then at the end of the're so submissive....your wolf nearly peed out of fear on me last time."

   Total lie but Val wanted to make Spencer growl at her. Spencer did like the normal love and hate relationship they usually carried.

   Val leaned in giving Spencer a big wet kiss on the cheek. "Love you too."

   "Move," Spencer pushed Val away. "We're never belonging friends."

   "Mhmm," Val ignored Spencer's remark seeing the corner of her face lift into a smile.

"Okay. Let's go." Marisa looked to Kathleen who was the only one not in a good mood. "Your aunt there looks like she's gonna develop an aneurysm at any second if we don't get to moving."

Kathleen's eyes narrowed on Marisa before shifting to Val. "If you would at least try and get to know your other siblings they wouldn't drive me into having a aggravated mood."

Instead of responding, Val ignored Kathleen and pointed away from their pack home. Both her mates approached. "Love you two. We'll be safe. Tell our Cubs I'll be back with some tender loving to share for the three of them."

Marisa chuckled. "Who would have thought Valerie would end up as the soccer van mom."

Growling, Val charged after Marisa ready to tackle her in a playful way.

"There they go, like clockwork," Spencer stated, shaking her head.

Marisa turned, catching Val in a head lock. "Hey Drew," she shouted. He looked up surprised. "Take care of my future mate." As she said the words three things happened. First Drew looked surprised that Marisa was relying on him to keep Spencer safe. Second, Spencer looked shocked that Marisa was so open about where their relationship was now, grinning. And three, Val lifted Marisa off of her feet, flipping Marisa over her head. Marisa landed on her back, groaning loudly.

Marisa took a few gasping breaths. "This surely isn't like how we were before," Marisa pointed out.

Val sat on her knees, patting Marisa's forehead. "We have super powers now."

Rolling her eyes, Marisa got up slowly feeling close to what an old person would feel after a fall. Everything hurt.

"Really should be going?" Kathleen said a bit louder.

"Actually not quite." Marisa stood up dusting herself up. "But now we are. I think being that I'm the one here about to go to the dark side, I would know when it's time." Marisa smiled in a snarky way, walking pass Kathleen.

Val did the same thing shrugging at Kathleen with no apology.

"Hope I don't develop chronic back pain when we get older," Marisa said jokingly as they headed through the woods.

Before getting focused and serious, Val answered, "maybe in another two hundred years."


   We were several miles from pack home, at the top of Olmsted Point. Tall skin trees brought color to the dryness of the rocky tan ground. Huge boulders planted in varied spots.

   Marisa stopped. "This is it."

   Tess looked around as if expecting something magical to happen that would confirm Marisa's choice. "Are you positive?" She looked skeptical.

   Giving a look that Val was all to familiar with, Val answered for Marisa, chuckling lightly. "She's sure."

   "Fine," Tess shrugged. She bent down, running her fingers lightly on the ground. She closed her eyes and then frowned. "There's just no energy here."

Bitten Rogue (Bitten Series~ Lesbian story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ