After graduating from high school, the teens managed to score a place in two wonderful universities. Lots of schools around the country had offered him scholarships, but the one that caught his eye was Columbia's school of science, and soon, he found himself accepting their offering to study there. Meanwhile, Cassie had scored an audition for Julliard, which she totally nailed and was contacted almost immediately. Tony had managed to get the college funds and he was glad to help Peter pay for his education.

"Don't mention it." He'd said and the boy doubted he would stop being thankful. "You deserve it."

Peter always felt like he owed a lot to Tony, after all he was like the closest father figure he had since Uncle Ben, and it seemed better that he would be his father in law. One day, he thought. Right after Tony signed the adoption papers for Cassie, he'd never seen the brunette so happy. She radiated happiness whenever she walked into the room, it wasn't like the Cassie he met years ago in school.

"What?" Her soft voice interrupted his thoughts, Peter shook his head rigorously and turned to meet her gaze. "Do I have something on my face?" He smiled.

"No. You just look really pretty today." The brunette raised an eyebrow and smiled. She kissed his cheek and walked to the boxes in the living room.

"We have to finish unpacking everything if we don't want to sleep on the floor tonight." She told him with a smile and kneeled in front of the boxes.

"I wouldn't mind." He shrugged, walking to her.

"Yeah because you can sleep almost anywhere." She looked at him as he kneeled next to her and opened another box, Peter snorted.

"It's one of my hidden talents." He leaned in over his arm with a smirk and Cassie rolled her eyes playfully. "Hey, when did you say Happy was coming to drop off the furniture?"

"This Sunday, why?" She spoke as she examined each box, he couldn't help but smile.

"I think we should have a celebratory dinner this Sunday. What do you think?" Peter leaned back over his arms and stared at her with a smirk. "I mean, after we finish putting everything on place."

Cassie turned to meet his gaze and smiled. "Yeah, sounds good." She nodded, inspecting the contents inside the boxes. "I can't believe we have this place just for ourselves."

"Yeah, me neither." Peter kissed her cheek softly. "We can do anything we want."

"Oh, oh, slow down, cowboy." She laughed, pulling the collar of his shirt. "At least wait until we have a couch."

The young man laughed. "Couches are overrated." He leaned in and kissed her plump lips.

"What are they teaching you at Columbia?" Cassie laughed as he softly leaned in and pressed her against the floor.

"Don't be mistaken, babe, I learned this from Mr. Stark." He caressed her cheek and stared at her lovingly.

"Ugh, that was so weird." She chuckled lightly. "Let's just continue with the boxes."

"Fine." He pressed a kiss on the corner of her lips and helped her up. "But at least it made you blush."

"Shut up." She laughed.

Before Peter could even say anything else, both of their phones began ringing loudly. Cassie looked up to meet his gaze and both groaned with annoyance.

"Work's calling." He winked as he reached for the edge of his shirt. Cassie playfully rolled her eyes. "Oh, don't make that face I know you love it."

"Tell me again, how long did it take you to get used to this?" She said as she searched for her suit inside the boxes. "Where is it?" She muttered.

"I think it's in the other box." Peter pointed as he finished putting the red and blue suit. "We're late."

"I know!" She groaned, taking the suit in her hands. "Don't look."

"It's not like I haven't seen it anyway."

"Well, it's because you haven't."

"Touché." He nodded, adjusting his web shooters. Cassie finished zipping up the suit and exhaled deeply. "Ready?"

"Yeah." She nodded, fixing the leather mask over her eyes. Peter whistled. "Don't–" She laughed.

"Can't a guy hype his girlfriend up?" A blush took over her cheeks.

"Let's go." She patted his chest and both walked outside the building. "Oh, and Peter?"

"Hmm?" He murmured, overlooking at the city from the rooftop, in search of the possible crime that could be happening. Cassie walked to him with a smile. "Yes?"

Her smile widened as she climbed to the edge of the rooftop and turned to look down and meet his gaze through the mask. Peter joined her and stood by her side, both looking down at the city below them. The brunette turned to him and pulled his mask up a little to give him a long-lasting kiss. Peter smiled.

"I love you." She whispered.

His smile widened. "I love you too."

And with that, Cassie turned invisible and jumped down the roof. The boy let out a scream of joy and followed suit, his web shooter already aiming at her back. She chuckled as he pulled her to him and wrapped her arms around his neck for security, Peter smiled as she turned visible before him and tightened his grip around her waist.

"When will you learn, Cassandra?" He said loud enough for her to hear. "You never were and never will be invisible to me."

INVISIBLE | P. PARKERजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें