How do you know my brother?!?

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*JUST A LITTLE NOTE: So, most of this chapter will be about CAPTAIN HOOK! Yay! Blair will find out a LOT about her brother, and what his life has been like without her.


"How on Earth do you know my brother, and why the hell is he in Storyland?" I eagerly asked.

He replied "It's StoryBROO-"

I cut him off short "StoryBROOKE! Fine! Whatever! Just PLEASE tell me about him. Is he okay? He isn't getting into trouble is he?" My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and questions I had always wondered to myself but had never been able to ask.

"Well, he is doing good. He was kinda bad when I first met him, but then he got nicer. I first met him when he attempted to kill Rumplestilskin- "

"Rumplestilskin? Who is that?" I asked.

"It's very hard to explain. Just trust me when I say that he's no good. He's best known as the Dark One." He replied.

"So... He finally caught up with him... Did he get what he always wanted? To kill the Dark One?" I asked.

"Um, I don't think so. He tried, but failed. They are actually getting along a little bit now." He said.

I felt so upset. I had this horrible knot inside my stomach that kept growing. It was like regret, sadness, depression, and all of my memories I had of him, rolled up into one. It was the worst feeling I ever had in my life. I got on my knees and sobbed.

"What? Why? Why hasn't he come back for me then? The only reason we were in Neverland in the first place was to get the Dark One. Just chasing his tail everywhere. He traded me off to he could live to kill him! Now that they are 'Best Buds' why hasn't he saved me from this horrible place?" I belted with tears steaming down my face. "Has he forgotten about me?"

It was all just too much for me too take in all at once. Henry stayed silent. He probably knew I needed time to figure things out on my own. Smart kid. I thought on it for a few minutes.

"What was I thinking? Hook is an awful human being. A villain from where I stand. I need a hero to rescue me from this place. Not a person who could care less about me, who prefers vengeance over family. AND who put me through a life of living hell in doing so." I spud out.

Henry took me by the hand and said "It will all work out okay. I'll take you away from here. We will leave this together. You're already one of the best friends I have, and I've only been here a few hours. I mean, I don't have a whole lot of friends to begin with, but still. I won't leave without you. I promise."

"What makes you think you will escape? Pan decides who enters and leaves Neverland." I said.

Henry put in a half smile and said "My family has a saying. 'We will always find each other'. We will find a way Blair."


Getting good, right? I want there to be a little romance between a few of my characters. 😏😏😄

Twitter: @oncergeek


If you have questions or would like to maybe be added as a character, then give me the details and I will see if I can fit you in!

Luv you all


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