Captian Hook's Sister (OUAT)

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Once Upon A Time: Story of the Lost Girl

I'm a lost girl. In Neverland.

Wanna know how I got that way? I was left and abandon by my own brother. After our mom died and our father up and left us it was just me and my brother. Killian Jones.

You've probably heard of him. From what I've heard he is becoming quite popular with the gossip and widespread tales of his piracy and plundering and such. I've also heard that the doofus got his hand chopped off and now parades around with the name "Hook" to intimidate people? And yes, that's a question because I honestly don't understand what's so intimidating about an idiot with one hand. I don't know if I only feel that way because he's my brother or because I'm still holding a grudge for him leaving me, but all I know is that I personally think he's a coward.

I guess I'll start at the beginning.

My brother always did have a crazy desire to sail the seas someday as a "noble captain".
In fact, he was always studying up on all kinds of things and skills that any sailor would need to know.

Like how to read maps, navigation, the study and history of boats, etc.

However it didn't take long for these things to turn into the "study" of women and drinking.

I suppose all that time he spent at the pub doing some "late night research" eventually paid off, because one night before he got particularly wasted, there was a pirate crew and an old captain who was looking for a first mate (co-captain basically). Still to this day I don't know why the captain didn't just choose someone from his crew because it would've made my life so much less of a living hell than it is right now.

Many of the drunken men at the pub that night were very interested and keen to fill the job position and inherit a free ship and crew when the old man died. I mean, come on, it was totally obvious that this old man was going to kneel over and die at any second.

ANYWHO, none of the men were knowledgable enough or had what it took to take on being the co-captain of his ship. Either that or they were just too damn drunk to put together a decent sentence.

All failed until Killian strode up to the man feeling particularly prideful and knowledgeable about his study of the seas and the ships that sailed upon them. My brother and the captain emerged into a full fledged conversation for the rest of the night going on about their first hand experiences with the seas and whatever it is that sailors go on about.

The next morning I was greeted by Killian's uncontainable excitement and the harsh rays of sunlight as he threw open the curtains and blinded my vision.

Still adjusting to the light I yawned, "Killian where were you last night? What are you so happy about?" At that moment in time I didn't see the reason why he was practically jumping off the walls. We had no money, barley any food, and no parents.

"Don't you see? This is the moment I've been waiting for- WE'VE been waiting for! All my studies have finally paid off!" Killian exclaimed. He kept on talking and saying all kinds of stuff I didn't understand. I didn't really pay attention to half of what he was saying. My mind was still registering the fact that he had been out at the pub again and wasting what little money we had on rum and God only knows what else.

"Geez what Killian? Why did you have to go and wake me up? I was having the best dream that we were sailing away from this god awful place!" I said then finally nuzzled my head underneath my pillow hoping to gain a few more moments of sleep.

"Well then, Blair my lass, your dreams are about to come true." He said as he pulled me out of my less than comfortable bed and dragged me outside. He then reveled to me our future.

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