The New Arrival

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Fast forward to the present. I have now been living amongst Pan and his lost boys for eight years now.
This morning I woke up in an extremely happy mood because today I had a whole day of wondering aimlessly through the forests of Neverland planned ahead of me. I let out a content sigh as I thought about how today I didn't have to watch over those idiotic lost boys and I could finally get away from all the boy crap and have some me time.

Just as I was about to break into my happy dance, Pan rushed into my tent totally unannounced with a look of determination on his face.

"Don't you ever knock?" I glared at him and scowled.

"You can't exactly knock on a tent, love." He replied with a smirk and a quick wink.

He knew I hated it when he did stuff like that.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "What do you want, Pan?" Then I fell back into my bed and threw the covers over my head to prevent him from being able to notice the blush that was tempting to creep up to my cheeks, and continued to mumble, "And wipe that stupid smirk off your face before I slap it off for you."

I could hear I light chuckle from outside my covers which obviously belonged to Pan.

"Listen Blair, I need you to watch over camp tonight. We have a new arrival coming and I need to retrieve him."

I sat up in my bed and ripped the covers off my head and began to yell in protest, "Bu- But Pan! Today I was going to go out an-!"

"I know Blair, but I really need you to watch over the boys tonight. This new arrival is very important and it's vital that things go smoothly in getting him back to camp."

He began to turn and leave my tent like he wasn't going to take no for an answer and like he just expected me to obey him.

"Oh, yay! great! Another person for you to mind control, and for me to babysit?" I yelled with a hint, or more like a bucketload of sarcasm. What a shame he didn't hear it because he had already left.

I honestly could've cared less if another boy was coming to join us; I was really just peeved that my day was ruined.

Suddenly, Pan popped back into my tent.

"Watch your mouth girl!" He hissed. This made me jump a little because usually when I was sarcastic with him he would just shoot me an annoyed look and shrug it off. AND I thought he had left already. Oops.

He must have been able to tell I was caught a little of guard because he softened his tone and continued "He is a very special guest. He will change Neverland for forever. I have to prepare for his arrival. So if you could just-" he momentarily paused to take a quick breath, "please watch the boys tonight I would be eternally grateful."

"Wow. Never did I think I'd see that day when the all powerful Peter Pan would beg for help!" I looked up at him with a smirk. "You had better be careful Pan. Someone might think you're going soft."

My remark earned no reply from him. Just a blank, plainly annoyed stare.

I sighed in defeat seeing that I obviously wasn't getting anywhere pestering him.

"Okay okay fine..."

Then a beautifully wonderful idea popped into my head. I paused for a moment and pondered my options. If I couldn't get off the hook today, then I was at least going to get something out of it. "BUT you can't bother me for anything for an entire week! Deal?"

He didn't respond at first like he was considering my offer. "Fine, okay whatever." He huffed as he finally made his way out of my tent. He mumbled a few things under his breath as he left but I could've cared less because after today I wouldn't be bothered by him for a whole week! I couldn't help but throw a little victory fist pump into the air.

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