Otayuri ~ Cross dressing (au)

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Hi! First of all I wanna thank you. THIS BOOK HAS 5K READS!! I'm extremely happy and thankfull for u guys.
Yuri is a boy but likes to dress like a girl. One day new guy called Otabek comes to school and toughts that Yuri is a girl. He flirts with Yuri without even noticing that he is a boy. What will happen when he founds out? When the POV is Otabek's he will think Yuri as she and her so it might be confusing.

Yuri's pov

Hi! I'm Yuri Plisetsky, I like to dress like a girl but I'm a boy. Others don't really approve it and say mean things to me, I have gotten used to it. Today I had on pink hoodie with text "cry baby", white ripped jeans and black choker. My hair was on a messy bun. I had little bit a pink lip gloss what made my lips look plump and shiny. Even tough my hair got easily stuck to it and it was really annonying.

'Ugh! Why does this lip gloss have to be so sticky? My hair is getting all messy and sticky' I thought as I walked down the empty hall. Why is the hall empty? It's because I always come to school 15 minutes before anyone else. I try to avoid my bullies as much as possible, even tough they always find me.

As I open the classroom door and step in I saw someone else in the room. 'he must be the new guy' I think and walk to my seat, it's next to him. I pull the chair and put my bag next to me.

He looks at me and now I can see clearly his face. I think my eyes fall off, he is handsome. He has sharp jawline, chocolate brown eyes, stylish under cut and muscular body shape.

"Hi, I'm Otabek Altin. The new guy" he says to me and offers his hand to shake. I just stare him. "Uhm...? Hello?" he askes and shakes his hand in front of my face.

"Oh, s-sorry" I stutter. 'Crap! Why did I stutter? Good job Yuri, you seem so weak' I scold myself in my mind. He nods and says: "it's okay. So who are you?" "I'm Yuri Plisetsky. Nice to meet you" I smile and shake his hand.

Otabek's pov

'Damn she's cute. She sounds little bit like boy but looks like a girl' I look at the angel in front of me. "Where are you from?" She asks me. "I'm from Kazahtan. You?" I answer. "Russia" she answers. Then the bell rings and happy screams fill the halls.

Door bursts open and all the other students flow to the classroom. They are being annonyigly noisy. I don't really like loud sounds, I still like motorbikes. I have an motorbike, it costed pretty much but I have a job that pays good. I work as a tattoo artist in a shop called "wings of freedom" and I have a side job as a DJ.

"Attention! We have a new student in our class. Mr. Altin, could you come here please?" Teacher says to me and I stand up. I walk next to the teacher and see how all the girls are looking at me and giggling. "My name is Otabek Altin and I'm from Kazakhtan. I work as a tattoo artist and DJ. I'm 18 years old and I like motorbikes" I tell them and some girls start whispering. I hear them say "hot", "handsome" and "DJ". I wonder how big mess this school year is gonna be.

"Thank you Otabek. Now you can go to sit next to Yuri. Could you please raise your hand Yuri?" Teacher commands and Yuri lifts her hand even that I know who she is.

"You work as a DJ? That's pretty cool" Yuri says to me while she's slightly blushing. "Yeah, I started going to clubs and DJ:ing after I turned 18" I tell her. "I'm still 17 so I can't go to clubs yet. I still love music" she tells to me. "What kind of music do you like?" I ask her.

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