Season 3, Episode 12

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MechaGodzilla’s VS Jaegers

MechaGodzilla VS Gipsy Danger

MechaG crashed into New York and shattered a skyscraper with one punch. Gipsy Danger (now repaired from that a*skicking by Wing Zero) flew down.


MechaG shot down the helicopters out of the sky. Gipsy took the chance to rocket elbow his fist down and slammed MechaG’s head. MechaG grabbed Gipsy and blasted him in the chest. Gipsy took out the sword and hit MechaG, only for the sword to shatter. MechaG flew back and fired his eye laser, colliding it with Gipsy’s arm cannon laser. The blasts shattered the ground, causing Gipsy to stumble. MechaG unleashed his full assault barrage, blowing up and shattering parts of Gipsy. Old Gipsy Danger dashed forward and grabbed MechaG by the throat and blasted three shots into MechaG’s chest, only for them to bounce back and destroy his arm. MechaG fired a point blank laser into Gipsies head, exploding the entire Jaeger.

Battle 2:

MechaGodzilla 2 VS Striker Eureka



Chest Missiles

Laser arm

Rocket fist

Fastest jaeger

Striker came in to back up Gipsy, and take on MechaGodzilla. By the time he made it, MecahG2 had flown down and thrown MechaGodzilla into the sea.


Strike ran in and punched MechaG2 in the jaw, following with a combo of punches ending by blowing mechaG2 into a building with his chest missiles. MechaG2 fired his mouth laser and  blew Striker’s missiles up inside, severely damaging it. MechaG2 combined with Garuda into SuperMechaG. SuperMechaG fired his full weapons array and blew Striker to pieces

Battle 3:

Kiryu VS Crimson Typhoon


Crimson Typhoon:

Three arms

Three pilots

Buzzsaw hands

Crimson Typhoon got into an arena and readied to battle. Kiryu flew down and readied for battle.


Kiryu fired his shoulder cannons and then tail smacked the Jaeger. Crimson got up and sliced Kiryu’s armour with his three buzzsaw hands. Kiryu grabbed Crimson and blasted his head off.


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