» Guarding Niall Horan «

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"Yes, Ms. Carlisle?"

"I have someone here for the bodyguard position, Mr. Horan. I think he's someone you'll want to see."

"Thank you, Gena, send him in."

There was a click and she waved him to the door in the far wall. "Mr. Horan will see you now."

He grinned at her. "Enjoy the movie, Gena. I always do."

* * *

When Liam entered the office, Niall was glancing at a computer screen while he made notes on a tablet. "Please, take a seat mister."

"Payne," Liam said, sitting in the chair across the desk. "Liam Payne. I'm here about the bodyguard position."

Niall's head snapped up and he stared. "Liam."

"Payne, yes sir," Liam said with a twinkle in his eye. "I understand you're looking for someone to keep you out of trouble."

"What are you doing here?"

"Applying for a job," he said. "Didn't your secretary tell you?"

Rarely struck speechless, Niall floundered for something to say. "But, why me?"

"You're doing some exciting things, from what I understand, but nobody would tell me exactly what it is your branch of the company is doing. Also, the blood from that last fight they were showing all over the tabloids look pretty nasty."

Niall shook his head. "Most of it was from me breaking the other guys nose when he wouldn't let me walk away."

"Saying most of it wasn't yours means some of it was. Where'd you get hurt?"

"Uh, his tooth caught me when I head-butted him and broke his nose. Just under the hairline so it bled like a bitch but it healed up in a couple of days."

"And you head-butting the punks who get in your face is worrying your parents so they want you to hire a bodyguard. Ever thought about not being so public?"

Niall laughed. "I have. Unfortunately, I'm the heir to a billion dollar construction empire and my new division, which I'm handling all by myself, runs entirely off referrals. I have to make contact with the people who can afford me."

"Why referral only?" Liam leaned forward.

"Because one of my most important guarantees is discretion. Most of the people who want what I'm offering want to keep it secret. It's kind of the whole point."

"What, are you specializing in building spinning bookcases with hidden rooms?"

Niall grinned. "Even better." He opened an app on his tablet and selected something, watching Liam's face while he tried to find the source of the whir of quiet machinery. A sex swing lowered gently from the ceiling, ending at the correct height. The chains rattled gently when it stopped.

"Hidden sex equipment?" Liam stood up and looked up to see what the swing was attached to.

"Hidden dungeons. Not everybody wants to keep their playthings out in the open, and not everybody wants every toy. Some people just want to be able to put it away when they're done."

"Is the swing trick just to show what can be done?"

"No, the whole office is rigged. In fact, it's the most complete dungeon I've designed to date."

"You designed it?"

"I'm not just a pretty face, you know, Liam. You watched me get the engineering degree, distracted me from my studies often enough, I wasn't at Herschfield to kill time until my father handed me a cushy job with a nice office."

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