-Her attention focused back on him

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Her attention focused back on him. "Nothing." She whispered. "N-nothing that concerns you anyway." She said pushing past him and stumbling her way towards another area of the pub.
Jackie's Point of View

I had sobered up enough to realize that Levi had called Adam for help and almost ran my mouth more than I needed to, but drunk enough to continue to keep drinking. I didn't want to feel this pain that I felt in my heart anymore when I saw him. The way my body would reaction when he was around me, when he touched me, when he looked a me like I was the only woman in the world. I had entangled myself in a web of lies that I don't know if I was going to be able to get myself out of.
The pressure of it all was a weight on my shoulder than I had to carry around me until James Malik decided he was ready to tell his son's that they were brothers. I had fallen hard for Adam, and I wanted his attention on me any way I could get it. I was so love sick I sometimes cried myself to sleep at night, but I could never tell anyone that, not even him. "One tequila please." I motioned. The bartender handed me a shot glass. "And don't s-stop pouring till I tell you to." I warned.
A male figure approached me as I leaned against my arm for support. I looked over and I realized it wasn't Adam or Levi. Had they really left? "What's your name baby?" I couldn't get a clear vision of who this guy was and quite frankly I didn't care either.
"N-none of your fucking business." I laughed.
"That's bit of a strange name." He said in his thick English and I laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world. "You're not from around here are you? What's someone like you doing here all alone?" He questioned.
"T-thinking." I lifted my shoulders carelessly and I shot the tequila down my throat. "Cause sometimes life doesn't let us choose who we want to love, but w-who we have to love." I grew serious, as I looked for Adam in the distance. He said nothing and got closer to my frame, pulling me by the waist and trailing his hand down my thigh. "G-get your fucking hands off of me!" I exclaimed.
"Hey she said get off of her!" It was Adam and before I knew it he had pushed the guy off of me. "Don't have anything better to do that sexually assault clearly drunk woman?!" Adam exclaimed.
"Hey mate this isn't any of your business alright?" He argued. "Fuck off."
"Oh it's not?" Adam challenge. "It is my business, when she says no it's no." He exclaimed, clearly angry very angry actually from what my blurry vision allowed me to see.
It didn't take long for the other man to retaliate and punch Adam across the face. My eyes widen and before I knew it Adam was on the ground punching the guy who tried to touch me inappropriately, if it wasn't for Levi who pulled Adam off of the guy below him. "Cool it mate." He patted Adam on the back. While the other guy was pulled back by others. "He's not worth it." Levi encouraged.
Adam's Point of View

I was growing irritated with Jackie's stubbornness to stay at this bar and continue to keep drinking. I didn't know how much of this I could take. I already had a busted lip from fighting off some guy who tried to take the upper hand with her. Levi had pulled me off of him, and I touched my bottom lip to see if it was bleeding, as I glanced over at Jackie who was making her was towards me. "You and I are leaving." I said pulling at her arms and forcing her to look at me.
Jackie grew angry and loosened herself from my grasp. "N-no...I came here to drink." She said walking over to the bar top and pouring herself some more tequila.
I snatched the shot glass from her and set it down. "We are leaving before this gets any worse." I stood my ground but she didn't seem willing to leave with me.
"I'm not going anywhere with you." She said dead in my face with breath tainted with alcohol.
I sighed in frustration. "We can do this the easy way, and you willing walk with me out of this place. Or the hard way." I threaten, not taking my words seriously she laughed in my face.
I grabbed her by the legs and tossed her over my shoulder as she screamed for me to let her go, kicking and punching me on my back with her fists. She had caused a scene enough, I don't think doing this would make much a difference either. "Adam I swear to fucking god-...let me go!" She screamed. "You don't own me, I can do whatever the fuck I want!"
She was too intoxicated to even speak clearly or think clearly for that matter, that I hurried up and put her in the passenger seat of my car and locked the doors. She banged on the window frustrated shouting at me to be let out. "We can't take her back to her dorm like this?" Levi brought into question. "She'll cause a scene." He said.
"What are we going to do?" I questioned Levi. "I mean-...I have a place off campus but I don't think that by tomorrow morning she's gonna like where she is at." I admit.
"It's either that or get called into the chancellors office for public disturbance." Levi added. "We'll do this, take her with you to your place, and text me the details and I'll get her tomorrow morning." He suggested. "I can't take her with me, because live at the frat and sometimes Zayn pops by and if he sees her like this he'll-..." Levi trailed on.
Zayn, Zayn, Zayn. Always Zayn. "Is he the reason she's like this?" I glanced over at Jackie who had passed out in my passenger seat.
"Uhh..." Levi chokes up for words. "She didn't mention him, she just called me saying she wanted me to take her to a pub for a drink." He lifted his shoulders carelessly.
I hummed not saying anything else. "Alright. I'll text you the address and you can stop by tomorrow morning."
"Alright." He said. "Take care of her." He pointed at me as he began to walk off towards his care and I nodded his head.
I hurried and drove Jackie and I to my apartment in the heart of London, I'm which I only stayed at when I had a next day internship obligation at my dad's business. Other than that, I spend my days back at the frat house. To be closer to campus for classes.
I glanced over at Jackie who was passed out drunk against the window, she wore only her bra and pencil skirt, no heels. Levi has given me all her belongings and I placed them in the back seat.
I was annoyed at the situation Jackie had put herself in. Even if I didn't have any business to meddle in her life, she still worried me because I liked her so much. It had become more than like at this point I think I was in love with her. Even though Jackie didn't respond back to any of my profound feelings for her, there were times where she would slip up and I caught her, in which she denied.
I discovered feelings for her in which she had a moment of vulnerability and she had confessed to me all her worries of her life. I had a misconception of Jackie when she first appeared in my life at Zayn's aid. She defended him with tooth and nail, and while I didn't understand why, I found her slightly overbearing at first and invasive.
Things became so much more for me, when she kissed me suddenly, and as we talked and spent time together because we were paired up for this project, Jackie become much more to me, so much more. She had a rough upbringing something I could never imagine for anyone ever. No one would ever know that because she held her own thoughts and feelings very firm and collected. Always ready to build that tough exterior if she needed to.
I saw past that however, no matter how many times Jackie denied and said we could never be anything else. I knew there was away into her heart, even if I had to fight my way there. I would for her.
Jackie was wide away and clearly still drunk, not conscious of her surroundings, as she clung onto my neck and I stumbled with her up the stairs, while she laughed and giggled at the situation. Jackie was always so sarcastic with her words but the seriousness that followed, this was a totally different woman when she was drunk.
I had managed to put in the keys into the door, and I she pushed it open, stumbling inside. "T-this is your f-flat?" She looked around.
I dropped the keys on the coffee table as she walked around glancing at all areas of where I loved. "Yes this is my apartment." I said to her. She walked her drunk frame towards the small hallway and found my bedroom where I stay in. I followed behind her and she tossed herself into the bed in a laughing matter. "Are you sure you're alright here? You don't want me to take you back to dorms?" I questioned.
She sat up suddenly holding her self up by her elbows on the bed and looked around before turning her attention to me. "N-no." She moves her head side to side. "Adam promise-...promise me you won't say word to Zayn." She exclaimed. She stood up from the bed and stumbled her way to the door. "Shhh" she said holding her finger to her lips. "P-promise me." Shutting the door behind her.
"Ok, ok I won't, but why don't you want me to?" I questioned.
Her eyes widen and she made her way back to the bed and lied back down on it with hair sprawled everywhere and heads on either side of her head. "He would kill me if he saw me like t-this." She laughed. "Especially if he saw me with y-you." He confesses. "H-he wouldn't understand ok?" She said sitting up on the bed and then fall back once again.
"I understand, you want him to see us together because you're afraid of what he might say." I grew defensive. "Plus you're drunk, so you can stay in my room and I'll sleep in the guest room for tonight, alright? Good night."
She clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes, at my first statement, brushing over the topic like we have many times. "Me d-drunk?" She scoffed. "I-m perfectly fine...see look." She said laughed at my words standing up and trying to balance herself to walk in a straight line.
Clearly not successful she tripped and fell on her own two feet falling to the side. I winced thinking she could hurt herself and rushed over to help her up. "Jackie." I sighed as she screamed and laughed afterwards.
"Oh f-fuck I'm so dumb." She giggled. "I need another d-drink." She said pushing past me towards the door of the bedroom.
"No." I said pulling her by her waist and guiding her back to bed. "What you need is some sleep, so you can be perfectly conscious by tomorrow." I said.
"Noooo." She whined. "I don't want to sleep, A-Adam." She said falling off the bed, my eyes widen at the scene unraveling before me. She stood up and stumbled over to the edge of the bed and I followed after her. "I-...want you to dance with me." She whispered, falling into my arms.
"What?" I questioned, she was drunker then I thought.
She whined and wrapped her arms around my neck trying to steady herself in my arms, as I tried not to touch her. I didn't want her thinking otherwise by morning. She wrapped her arms around my waist and dropped her head against my chest, as she swayed our bodies back and forth trying to mimic dancing. "D-dance with me, Adam." She whispered. "Just like this." She breathlessly laughed.
I took a deep breath and complied, if it was the only way for her to at least listen to me afterwards I did what she asked me to do. We swayed for a minute or so together. Looking at her in a different light, she was gentle with her movements this time. "W-why did it have to be you Adam." She whined against my chest. "W-why you? Out of all men in the world...y-you." She trailed off in her drunk thoughts out loud.
"What about me?" I whispered and we swayed together in motion. Her words and whines became more like cries. "All I did was defend you from that idiot at the bar and brought you back here because I couldn't risk it leaving you at the dorms, that's it." I explained. "If I'm dancing you it's only because you asked me too." I added.
I looked down at Jackie and it looked like she was falling asleep in my arms. I tried to gently put her down onto the bed but she caught hold of what was going on. "Y-you gonna leaves me here by myself?" She wines as I head towards the door and looked back at her, who looked distraught that I was leaving her here for the night.
"Jackie I can't stay here with you." I told her. "I'm not that kind of man." I held my own.
She didn't say much else for a second. "I-I will never forgive myself f-for this." She whispered to herself.
"Forgive your for what?" I questioned.
"This." She walked over to me and pressed her mouth against mine.
Wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me closer to her frame, she molded her mouth into mine. Her kisses felt gentle against my lips and I had the urge to kiss her back but I couldn't take advantage of her drunk state of mind, it wouldn't be fair to her and I know by morning she would question it all, and I wouldn't have the words to lie to her either.
"See Jackie, all you need to do it let yourself go." I whispered to her as her head fell against my chest. "Forget everything and just let go." I remind her, of what I have said to her million times before. "I will catch you if you fall, always." I confessed.
She didn't seem to like what I said, and pulled herself off of me falling to the floor, as I thought it was best if I left her be and and not talk to her for the rest of the night. Next thing I knew when reaching for the door handle, she had grabbed one of her heels and threw them my way, hitting the door causing a loud noise against the door frame with skid marks to appear in the white paint.
"Jackie, what's wrong with you?" I said to her.
She didn't seem to want to listen to me as she grabbed the other one of her heels and threw that one at the door as well. With tears rolling down her cheeks she cried and cried leaning against the foot of the bed.
I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose, not knowing the best option here. Not that she gave me one anyway. Clearly she didn't want me to leave, all while being angry with me for what I said a second ago. I didn't know what to do. "Nooo." She cries. "Please d-don't leave." She pleaded.
"Alright ok...I won't, I won't." I said making my way towards her and helping her calm down while trying to help her onto the bed.
"No, d-don't touch me." She shrugged me off and just continued to cry.
"Jackie listen please I'm sorry." I apologized, maybe what I had said was something she didn't want to hear at the moment. "Maybe I shouldn't have said that to you, it wasn't right for the state of mind you're in." I admitted. "But you're treating me as if you have something to blame me for." I said.
"You're dumb." She said angrily. "Y-you're so fucking dumb." She repeated. "Dumb-...you don't understand anything!" She exclaimed. "G-get out! Leave!" She punched my chest with her hands.
"Ok, ok I'll leave." I gave in. "I'll leave." I said. "But not before you lie down, I need you to-..." I wrestled for her to lie down down.
Jackie opposed to the idea, and fought against me pushing me off. "No-...no! I don't want to lie down!" She exclaimed.
I ended up falling on top of her and hovering over her, as she breathed rapidly. Not fighting me anymore. Her eyes met mind and tears strolled down her cheeks. "Sorry, Jackie it was an accident." I admitted. "I'm leaving now ok? When I do make sure to take off your skirt it's soaked in alcohol and you might get sick." I said standing up and making my way towards the door.
She hurried and took her skirt off leaving herself in nothing but a bra and panties. She moved herself to the top of the bed. I tried not looking at her because I didn't want to allow myself to, it would still be talking advantage of her drunk state of mind, and I wasn't that kind of guy. "Come here." She whined. "Please-...please come-..." I sighed at her pleas, caught in the middle between my head and my heart. "Please I feel like I'm dying...please." She patted the bed.
"Jackie you're drunk, that's all it is." I opposed. "You need to sleep, and it will go away." I argued.
"No-...no, I need you stay here with me." She whined and patted the spot next to her. "For a little while...please." She whined. "Just a bit-...please, p-please."
I sighed, giving in and walking over to the side of the bed she so desperately wanted me to lie in. "Alright, ok." I said to her. "I'll lie beside you, until you fall asleep, then I'll go." I negotiated.
She nodded her head up and down, as I slowly lied beside her, with my body turned the other way careful of not creating any misunderstanding by tomorrow morning. I felt her arms wrap around my waist and her leg tossed across my own, and she clung onto me, like a koala in a tree not letting go, even for a slight second.
I sighed, this was going to be a long night.

 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦  «Zaylena»Where stories live. Discover now