"Miss Mackenzie will you come with me," Principle Potter said, he didn't wait for her to respond just walked out of the classroom, Mac following him. Mac looked back to wave goodbye to Collin but he was just mouthing the word Mackenzie out.

Principles Potter's office was small, but it did have a lot of books covering the wall so it made it feel homely to Mac.

"Stephanie said you weren't following the rules?" Principal Potter said bored.

"I didn't want to move that's it," Mac said.

"That lady finds fault in everything," Principle Potter said, he looked tired.

"I noticed," Mac said looking at the books, it looked like he had quite the collection.

"Well thankfully Brody is finally done with that stupid family emergency and he will be back," Principal Potter said, "I wouldn't use your Alpha tone on him, he might figure some things out."

Mac's head jerked toward the Principal with wide eyes.

"Yes I know, I saw it the first day when you asked my secretary for the schedules. If the kids weren't so stupid at this school they might have realized it as well." Principal Potter said laughing.

"That is so true," Mac said, but she wasn't laughing with him instead she was trying to read if he is was a friend or foe. "So, who have you told?"

"Nobody, I honestly don't care, I'm part of Gage's pack but that is only because my wife was part of it and refuses to leave. My daughter and I were rogues before that, lived amongst the humans until I met her,"

Mac nodded her head smiling at him. "And now you are the principal?"

"Wife made me take the job, I use to teach at a high school in Idaho. It was a private school, now those kids were smart. These kids, they just don't care, I mean they have to be here otherwise the wolf council will either throw them into the league if they are a good fighter or throw them into prison if they aren't. Either way, though every wolf will have to learn about all the creatures of the world whether they want to or not." Principal Potter said. "Damn council gave me the exact same choice."

"Why do they want you here? Hell, why do they want us here?" Mac asked.

"Isn't it obvious," Principal Potter said walking over to his bookcase looking for something. "Knowledge is power, the more you kids know the easier they can use you if a war happens. Now why I am here is because I can teach and when I went to college I studied magical creatures so I know more than anybody here."

"War?" Mac asked.

"Not like the battle that is going to go down between you and Alpha Brett's pack, " He half turned to look at her, "More like the war during the late 19th century between the werewolves and vampires or the 15th-century witch war. Either way though, they are creating an army."

"That's messed up," Mac said.

"That it is," He said pulling a book out. "Here."

"The history of the Black Alpha?" Mac said looking at the cover.

"I thought it might be useful, you know at one point in your life," Mac said. She gave him a quizzical look. "Do you..." He raised his finger to his hand making the shushing noise, he walked over picking up a picture frame. His back was turned to Mac and she couldn't see who he was looking at, but she could see the side of his face and how sad he looked.

"My first wife she sadly died during childbirth, I wasn't sure how I could keep on living, but then I met my mate, she had a daughter herself, same age as my girl and we were the perfect family." He said a small smile forming on his lips. "We were soon blessed with another daughter a perfect mix between us. Three girls, my house was crazy, but I loved every second of it." He placed the picture down looking over at Mac. "It all changed when our youngest daughter turned 10. You know it is rare to see an Oracle in your life, especially one that is a werewolf. So imagine my surprise when my little angel was one. Right before she blew out the candles she made her first fortune. She looked me dead in the eye, "The year you heart strikes 63 will be the year the hybrid lives again." Principal Potter looked Mac dead in the eye. "As soon as she made that prediction we had to hide her. We didn't want our Alpha to find out, he would use her for his own gain. So we had to make her disappear. My two older girls were only teens themselves but they took on the responsibility of caring and protecting her. I wish I could go, but that would only make him hunt us down faster. I never knew if they were alive or not until this year. I even thought for awhile that I sent them away for nothing," he sat down smiling at Mac, "When I was 63 I spent every day looking for anybody to show any signs of being a hybrid but at last nothing. It wasn't until my 64th birthday that I put two and two together, you see when I was one I had to had a heart transplant. Because of my smaller size, I received the heart of a newborn. My heart surgery was on June 30th, so I was not surprised to see you the first day of school. The human who is an Alpha, well that isn't possible no offense to humans. So I watched and waited, that first fight you had with Gage told me everything I needed to know. The Black Luna is at my school." He was smiling brightly, "I didn't push my daughter away for nothing."

"Black Luna?" Mac said trying to play dumb.

"She will save us all," he said smiling at her. "But she has already saved me."

"I...She has?" Mac asked the truth was she has seen the Principal around occasionally but she has never saved him.

"You saved my daughters, which means you saved me," he said. Mac put it together, what was going on with Phoebe, why Maddy and Jazz were so protective of her, and why they loved going to school every day. They were seeing their father, although Mac has never seen them talk. Both of them just sat in silence, him thinking about his family, her trying to understand everything he just said.

"You don't have to worry about missing all the school you have missed," Potter said "The council doesn't know and if I were you I would wait as long as possible to tell them. They would want to make you their puppet." He sighed, fidgeting with some papers in front of him, "I applaud you for keeping it a secret, for not letting the power go to your head, and for not taking advantage of what your fame would bring. As you will read in the book the Black Alpha went a different way, but of course news use to spread a lot slower back then." Mac jumped hearing the bell ring behind her, she wasn't ready to leave.

"So you don't tell them when I go missing?" Mac asked.

"Any other student I would have failed with your type of attendance and tardiness, but I understand with great power comes great responsibility," He said smiling.

"Spiderman fan?" Mac asked.

"I am indeed."

"Thanks," Mac said.

"It is the least I can do," Principal Potter said.

"You know as my Principle I think it will be okay if you and your wife come over for a dinner with the pack. I mean it is good for all of us to get to know our Principal."

"I would love that," he said his eyes lighting up.

"I'll tell Trent to make a nice lasagna for dinner," Mac said.

"We love lasagna," he said delighted, but the truth was he didn't care about what they were eating at all.

"Tonight then?" Mac said.

"Perfect," he said.

"Do you mind, if I stay and read for awhile?" Mac asked.

"Stay as long as you want, I'm just going to be doing paperwork," He said shuffling his papers.

She opened the book.

The Black Alpha isn't the first hybrid in history, but he is the hybrid first to change history.

It all started 1765 when the Black Alpha was born.

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