"Stop being so cheesy," Mac said, but she didn't let them go. "Let's have a movie night okay?"

The group all agreed running into the living room to grab a seat.

"So when are you going to tell him?" Katie asked leaning against her locker. Mac was shoving her book in her locker. She took another two days off but finally, she decided to go back to school.

Mac looked over to see Gage staring at her, Sandy glaring at her, and Collin, Matt, and Chloe waving at her. She waved back with a half smile.

"Well on the count right now I get winded going up a flight of stairs and I can barely hold a pencil in my hand. I'm not really rushing to get in a fight with Sandy." Mac said.

"But he is your mate, he will protect you," Katie said.

"Shh...They can hear you and Gage hasn't protected me for shit why would it change now?" Mac said. Katie was going to protest but then she nodded slightly. Mac was right Gage was kind of worthless when it came to protecting her.

"Hi," Gage said surprising both Mac and Katie.

"What did you hear?" Katie blurted out worried she may have just ruined Mac's secret.

"Nothing, why, talking about me?" He said in a flirty way, wiggling his eyebrows.

"We were actually talking about how huge of an ass you are," Mac said jokingly.

"Sure you weren't talking about my ass?" Gage asked.

"Sure you aren't staring at my ass?" Mac said watching his eye line.

"Maybe," Gage said not denying it. He looked at her and could tell something about her was different today. She didn't seem that intimidating, more innocent like.

 Mac laughed closing her locker, leaning against it to look at Gage.

"I have to go," Katie said nonchalantly leaving.

"So I'm glad you are feeling better," Gage said, he had his hands in his pocket clenched in his pockets with his head slightly down to maintain eye contact with her.

"Yes, and look." She said wiggling her right-hand fingers.

"With a broken wrist isn't that painful?" He asked she forgot that he didn't know the true story, but she just smiled nodding.

"It means it is getting better, which is great. I miss the use of my hand," Mac said.

"I'm so glad to hear that." Gage said, "So I was thinking if you need any help catching up I am more than happy to help out." Gage jumped when he heard a scream down the hallway, Mac just looked bored. Of course, it was Sandy.

"You little bitch," Sandy said, she rushed over pushing Mac against the locker her forearm pressed against her throat.

"Ouch, that actually hurt," Mac said. A small headache started to form in the back of her head where it hit the latch of the locker.

"Let her go," Gage said confused on why Sandy was attacking her.

"You asked her out and now you are protecting her? Are you kidding me?" Sandy screeched. "You know what fine, enjoy today because your dad is coming home early and he won't stand for this. His son with a human, disgusting." She wasn't letting go of Mac's neck only pressing harder, small little black dots started to cloud her vision.

"Fuck this," Mac said, with her left hand she jabbed Sandy in the ribs. With her human strength, it wasn't enough to knock her out, but she did drop her arm from Mac's neck.

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