Chapter 16 - Just Friends

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The next day was dedicated to Layla. I gave her the biggest hug ever. She was still a little scratched up and everything but she looked so much healthier than she did. I could tell that she was happy to be out of the hospital and back at home. 

We didn't go all out on our day because of course, she had just gotten out and she was still sore. At first, I went to her house where we just spent time talking. I told her about me and Dylan and she literally fangirled. After she got ready, her mom took us out to some places. It was a pretty fun day. 

I had missed her so much, I didn't even know how much I missed her until I saw her again. She was already planning double dates with me, her, Dylan, and Peyton and everything. I thought it was hilarious. Dylan and Peyton were actually hanging out today since they hadn't seen each other a lot either. 

Night time came around and my mom came to pick me up. Peyton was already pulling into her driveway when we were about to leave. "Hey Bree, heard about you and Deezy!" He said, getting out of his car. He did a little wink and I rolled my eyes. And then I forgot that I hadn't even told my mom about it. "Waiiiiit, what?" My mom asked, confused. I just smiled. "Get in the car, maaaa." I said. 

Once we were in the car, my mom was already starting. "You and Dylan are dating? Awh, why didn't you tell me? I always knew this would happen. I could feel it." "MOM. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I honestly don't know why I didn't. What do you mean you knew it would happen?" "Come on, sweetie. Everyone knew it." All I could do was smile. 

I got home and Dylan called me. "Hello?" "Hey baby, what's up?" "Just got home from Layla's, what about you?" "At the hotel, eating. Haha, I'm so bored." "Haha, sounds fun, baby." "Haha, totally. Well, I thought I'd call before I hit the hay. I wanted to hear your voice. So yeah, I'm gonna go. Goodnight beautiful." I smiled. "Goodnight, Dyl."

I hung up and then I hooked my phone up. I got on twitter for a few and tweeted 'Spent the day with my girl, @laylaaaax3. She's finally out of the hospital, whoop whoop!'

I went to bed pretty early. I guess I was just wore out from so much fun today. I remember waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to sleep but I finally had ended up sleeping again. I rolled over and the first thing I saw was the sunlight through the windows. I should really close my blinds. I checked my phone and I had a message. 

From Dyllyboooo(:

Goodmorning beautiful :) Guess what! It's just another day of calling you mine, just another day to get those silly little butterflies in my stomach, another day of spending the day with my love :) Can't wait to see you in a few. I love you :) But seriously, get up. I'm on my way with Pey and Layla. We got you some Starbucks ;)

I could laughed and shook my head. That was so sweet though. I went into the bathroom, took a shower, and blowdried my hair and got ready. Finally, I heard a knock on my door and Layla ran in. She gave me a huge hug and then Dylan took me into his arms. He pulled me in close and I could hardly breathe. He finally let go. "I can see your sunburn's better." I said, checking out the tiny tan he had received.

After breakfast and everything, the boys had planned the day for all of us. Peyton and Layla sat in the front and then me and Dylan sat in the back. Peyton and Layla were talking and laughing, not paying attention to us. "I have a question." I said, looking over at Dylan. "Yes?" "When are you telling your fans? I'm not rushing it, I just wanna know. Just to be prepared." 

We got to the mall and me and Layla got out first of course. I guess it was a girl thing, I don't know. We waited on the boys, which they were taking forever. Finally, they came and we went inside. We went everywhere in the mall and we bought a few things. 

It was lunch time so we went to the food court, which was packed. Peyton and Dylan had both ran into fans just about everywhere that we had went, which me and Layla didn't mind. Me and Layla got a few dirty looks, but we just shook it off. We sat down at the tables and finally started to eat. We ate, talked, and laughed. That was basically it. Some fans came up while we were eating and asked them to take pictures, which they didn't want to say no. Some even wanted pictures with me and Layla, which was awkward but super cool at the same time. 

We finished eating and then we went back to shopping. After about 20 minutes we got back into the car and then Peyton and Dylan told me and Layla that they were gonna be back to pick us up at her house around 6 because they had a surprise. I was super excited, I could tell Layla was too. They dropped us off at her house and we ran inside. We have so much time so we just sat there and talked and goofed off.

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