Chapter 4 - Seniors Ditch Day, here we come!

Start from the beginning

She sat up and grinned at me. "Oh!" she exclaimed way too excitedly.

I gave her my curious look. "What?" I asked, cautiously.

She crossed her legs beneath her. "Guess who's back in town!" she said in a sing song voice.

Oh God, no. I thought. "Who?" I asked, even though I knew exactly who she meant.

"Logan, your future hubby!" she clapped and squealed like a two year old.

I gulped. Why dear God? "Yay," I said. I tried to sound enthusiastic, but it sounded more dry than a dessert. "And, he's not going to be my future husband." I rolled my eyes.

She gave me a weird look. "What's wrong and why not?" she asked.

I shook my head. "Because, I don't want him to.. and you know I always get dry or unenergetic when I don't have my coffee." I quickly covered up my sour attitude with a partial lie.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine, Charm. Let's go get your damn coffee, girl." she stood up. "You're also going to have to get over the fact that he miss and spilled coffee on you. It was an accident. It wasn't a good reason to break up with someone, and you know you didn't want to. Have you seen how nerdy and boring you got since? You guys were the perfect couple." she babbled, walking out of the room.

Wooh, that was close! No way can she find out about what actually went down between Logan and I. Yes, its bad that I'm lying to my bestfriend.. but, it's a difficult story to tell. And no guys. I wasn't always a nerd. Never. Hence the reason my hair is purplehazed and the reason my navel is pierced. I just became one after .. Logan. I became secluded from the world. I rather stay to myself after that. After him. I hate him.

✌ ♕ †

Heath's P.O.V

"Dude, switch the channel. What teenage boy watches Dora?" I asked, giving Allan a nice, hard smack behind the head.

"What the fuck, dude? This is the best part!" He exclaimed. Not once did he take his eyes off of the t.v screen.

"What was your favorite part?"  Dora asked.

"My favorite part was when the big red chicken moved the big bush out of you guys' way." Allan said. Scott and I looked at him like he was going insane. How'd we get the bad boys of the school again? "Dude, are you fucking serious?" I questioned. He gave me the finger, still keeping his eyes fixated on the t.v screen.

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