"Katie said you were with her this morning. Where did she go?"

"I was?" Gage said out of confusion.

"Yes, you said she didn't want to talk to you," Collin said looking at Gage.

"Gage are you okay?" Chloe said placing her hand on Gage's arm.

"Do not touch my mate," Sandy said glaring at Chloe's hands, she takes her hand away and sat back down.

"Where did you last talk to her?" Jason asked Gage.

"I think it was in the parking lot?" Gage questioned, he couldn't remember this morning and his headache was starting up again. Jason just gives him a questionable look but heads out a second later.

"Gage where are you going?" Sandy asked when he pulled away.

"Away from you," Gage said following Jason out of the building, Collin and Chloe followed. Sandy staying behind to make a phone call.

"She isn't here," Jason said, but he could still smell pears with a hint of vanilla. He followed the scent to find a small puddle of red liquid next to a pile of shattered glass and a giant dent in the truck's door.

"My truck," Gage shouted running over to the dented door. "My window," he said, it was the backseat window that was shattered.

"Is it Mac's?" John asked reaching them, the rest of the group followed when they saw Gage and Jason head out together. Jason bent down and took a whiff, it was her blood.

"It is," Jason said sighing out. He picked up a bullet casing, it burned and he dropped it. "Wolfsbane."

"Fuck," Trent said.

"Alright, you guys know what that means. I'm in charge until she gets back, everything will be normal and don't worry she will be back soon."

"Until she gets back?" Chloe asked.

"Where did she go?" Collin asked Gage turned from his truck hearing the concern in people's voices.

"Um, we don't know," Jason said his head dropping a bit.

"You were supposed to be there for her," Katie said coming over to shove Gage. "Why didn't you protect her?" She shoved him again, his back hitting the truck.

"Katie," Trent said grabbing her back.

"He was supposed to protect her," Katie shouted but she turned into his shoulder crying her eyes out.

"I...I...." Gage didn't know what to say. He wasn't sure what he had to protect Mac from but he also felt like he was to blame all at the same time.

"Katie, relax Mac will be back by the end of the month," Trent said gently trying to calm her down.

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch.

"Come on guys, Mac wouldn't want you missing class," Jason said pushing them.

"Is she alright?" Chloe said looking at the puddle of blood.

"We don't know," Jason said, he pulled Maddy closer needing her comfort.

"Who shot me?" Mac asked sitting up, this place was different than the last. It was much larger and completely up to date. She even got a chair to sit in rather than be tied against the wall.

"Oh Silver, we both know I won't tell you," Zane said. 

He brought her usual breakfast in, waffles with a smiley face. Mac pulled against her cuffs but it wouldn't break only sear her skin. "I laced them with Wolfsbane this time, now that you are immune to silver I can only keep you locked up for so long." He said when he caught her looking at the cuffs. "Don't worry you're IV drip is secure as well." He patted her on the head before pulling the tray up to serve her. She was knocked out all day yesterday and she was finally awake once again. "Here comes the choo choo train." He made the sound and everything bringing a bit of the waffle to her mouth. She opened her mouth taking the bite. "You know, you are really are special." He said playing with her hair. He just twirled it in her fingers, his other hand feeding her. "I believe you and I will break the world of science. Just think you can handle silver, vampire blood, I mean you are by far the most interesting specimen I have ever dealt with." He said feeding her, her last bite. "What are you though?" Zane said.

"What do you mean?" Mac asked finished eating.

"You aren't just a werewolf I know that, but I'm not sure what you are," Zane said.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Mac said.

"Of course you do, but I get it we all have your secrets," Zane said. "Boy, get the kit." He shouted over his shoulder. All of a sudden a guy ran in, but he had a ski mask on, both Mac and Zane were giving him a quizzical look because of this. "What are you wearing?" Zane asked not taking the tray from the guy.

"I don't want her to know who I am." The guy said, his voice muffled, but it did sound familiar.

"It doesn't matter, I will find you and I will kill you. Both of you." Mac said.

"I liked that movie," Zane said talking about the movie Taken. He grabbed the tray from the guy placing it on the stand. Mac couldn't see what was on it Zane in the way but she could see the guy staring at her. "Go away," Zane said not happy with his assistant bothering Mac. The assistant glared at Zane but left the room locking the door behind him.

"What are we doing?" Mac asked.

"I am so happy you asked," Zane said, his smile growing. "Today I am going to see how fast your body can grow back parts."

"I'm sorry what?" Mac asked in alarm.

"Don't worry, I will first start with the pinky," Zane said turning over to her with pliers and a knife in his hands.

"No, no, no!" Mac shouted trying to squish back in the chair.

"Here." He said pressing a button on her IV drip. Mac could feel the fogginess start to surround her. "Morphine, yum," He said licking his lips. "Now this shouldn't hurt....so much" He put the knife right about the knuckle. "One, two."

Mac screamed out in pain.

"Three." Was the last thing she heard before she passed out in pain.

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