"Here," Brad said handing her a paper with her name on it. "I knew you wouldn't make it home last night so I wrote you your paper."

"Brad you didn't have to do that," Mac said, she didn't like the idea of cheating, but the truth was she didn't care that much about wolf school.

"It is best if our Alpha doesn't flunk school," Brad said. Mac nodded but finally followed Katie out to her car. Katie jumped into the driver's seat, and as soon as Mac sat in the passenger seat she teleported jeans, a tank top, underwear and her combat boots. She would teleport to school but she enjoyed her time with her pack and she was always worried that somebody would find out.

"Oh my god," Katie said, she was speeding down the highway but Mac wasn't scared, this was just how Katie drove. "I should've known, way back when. I mean at the restaurant, he knew back then, but wait you didn't know. Wait did he know?"

"What are you talking about?" Mac asked tugging down the tank top. Katie was rambling and kept going from happy to confused within seconds.

"You and Gage being mates," Katie said. Mac laughed out loud holding her stomach.

"We aren't mates." Mac said, "I'm a changed werewolf and he is with Sandy."

"First of all, that bitch isn't his mate. She deserves to die a lonely death. Second, the way you describe the feelings you felt with him yesterday, those are the feelings you get when you are around your soul mate."

Mac thought for a second about the tingling sensation she had coarse through her body and the dirty thoughts that ran through her mind the moment she touched his chest. But she still couldn't believe it.

"It can't be, I mean if he was my mate, and I'm not saying he is, then I would know," Mac said.

"Maybe it is different because you are half vampire. But he is your mate." Katie squealed reaching across the car to shake Mac's leg in joy. Mac just looked at her with a crazy look. "I mean have you ever been in love, it will feel twenty to thirty times stronger than that." Mac smiled she has never been in love, but the guy with the black mask from New Year's flashed through her mind. The club from way back when, the last really fun time as a human. But this time Gage was looking at her, not a stranger.

"Sandy," Mac said furrowing her eyebrows.

"Forget Sandy, this is just another reason to kick her ass," Katie said.

"No, the night Sandy and Derrick took me, Sandy was yelling at me about the concert I went to. She was angry about the guy I kissed. But he...I mean that couldn't be Gage." Mac said trying to convince herself.

"But it is, what do you remember from that night?" Katie asked.

"Drugs," Mac said in a blunt tone.

"Besides that," Katie said.

"I remember a lot of shots." She said smiling, but then she thought. It felt like years ago, but she did remember the tingles it was kind of like yesterday tingles. "I remember a tattoo, a giant blue paw print on his right shoulder blade." She reached over running her own hand over her mark.

"Oh my god that proves it is Gage," Katie said. Mac tried to think if she has ever saw Gage's back but nothing was coming to mind. Katie pulled up to the school stealing one of the parking spots close to the front.

"Does he have one?" Mac said getting out of the car.

"Yes, Trent saw it yesterday after you ripped your mate's shirt," Katie said, she winked at her in a joking manner.

"But wouldn't we know, wouldn't he know?" Mac asked.

"Well normally yes, the first time you see each other you should feel the pull. But let's face it, nothing about your life is normal." Katie said, she has now walked over to Mac's side of the car and they both started heading into school. They were actually late because Katie decided to take the scenic route.

"So true," Mac said, her mind was racing. 

What was she supposed to do now? Does he know, should she tell them? What if...her thoughts were cut short when she saw Gage leaning against her locker. Katie squealed squeezing her hand. Gage shot up hurrying over to them. "I can't do this right now, um please don't tell anybody until I figure it out." Mac turned heading right back out. Katie didn't stop her, nor did she stop Gage who rushed past her.

"Mac wait," Gage shouted, he was jogging up to her and was finally close enough to her to grab her arm. "Mac, can we talk?" Mac froze in place, his hand was on fire against her skin. But it didn't hurt, only sent rushes of fire through her body.

"Gage." Mac painted out, Gage didn't say anything, just brought his hand up to her cheek to turn her to face him. It was gentle and soft against her skin, but it didn't help the fire burning within her.

"Mac, we need to talk." Gage said. Mac took a small step closer, her mere centimeters from Gage. Her eyes slightly closed staring at his big red lips.

"Gage," she said softly. She remembered the kiss from New Year's, it was the only happy thought she could muster when she was all alone in the family's basement. Replaying it over and over again. She dreamed every night that Matt, the guy in the mask, or the guy from the lake would come. But they never came. But still, the memory plagued her mind.

"We need to talk Mac, about you, me, and Sandy." She looked up into his eyes breathing in and out of her nose. The mention of Sandy from him causing rage to course her, a new dark fire growing within her. She took a sniff his minty freshness slightly calming her but she could smell something else.

"You need to leave," Mac half shouted. Gage looked hurt but just took another step closer to her. She backed away but she wasn't looking at Gage anymore, her eyes going from side to side. She couldn't deal with this right now.

"Mac, can we please talk?" Gage said. "I want to talk about everything." His voice dropping at the end of it.

"Go now." Mac commanded, her Alpha tone seeping out. He glared at her but turned walking back into the school. She didn't move, just watched him go inside.

"You know, I see some of your pack mates in there." A voice rang from behind her. Mac turned glaring at the silver fox leaning against a black truck.

"You will stay away from them," Mac said.

"Only if you come willingly," Zane said his sly smile growing on his face. She knew why she didn't notice him, she was distracted, lost in thought about Gage, making her forget the steps she takes to make sure she and her pack are safe at all times.

"We both know I won't," Mac said, she blinked and within the next second she was mere inches from Zane, her fist crashing into his cheek, she sent up her knee into his stomach and he crashed against the car door denting it. He falls to the ground whining out in pain. "What makes you think I won't kill you?" Mac asked looming over him.

"What makes you think I am alone?" Zane said smiling slightly. Mac turned sensing somebody behind her, she didn't get a good look because a second later she hears a bang and feels a pinch in her neck. A second bang goes off and this time the pinch in her leg. She reaches to grab it but fog covered her vision before it went completely black. "Good work, but next time get her before she ruins my skin," Zane said standing up wipping at his cut cheek. He stared down at Mac, her eyes slowly closing. "Well get her out of here before somebody sees." He huffed out, he took a glance at Mac, she looked like a sleeping angel, he scrunched up his nose in disgust when he looked over at her reddish brown hair, it was slowly getting browner and freckles started to cover her skin.

"This should be fun," Zane said, he started to whistle walking back to his big white van.

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