Here, Brett texted. Mac placed her plate down rushing to the front door. Brett was on the other side with a giant fur coat on.

"What are you wearing?" Mac asked laughing.

"It's the family coat," Brett said, he leaned down placing kisses on her.

"Family coat?" Mac asked between kisses.

"When I'm out there I have to catch an animal and then add it to the fur coat. I know weird tradition but it is supposed to help me become a man." Brett said, he leaned down again crashing his lips on her. He bit down on her lip hard demanding entrance and slide his tongue in when she granted it. He pushed her against the door his hands roaming over her ass. He bit down on her tongue by accident when a horn blares in the background.

"Sorry, that's my Dad," Brett said. Mac waved over to the guy who looks like a fifty-year-old Brett except with more hair.

"Have fun, try not to get killed by wolves," Mac said giving him a small kiss.

"Ha, wolves, I think they will be running for the hills," Brett said. "Here I got you something," Brett said pulling out a small box. Mac opened it to find a beautiful necklace inside, what really shocked her was that it was silver and that it had a giant black stone in the middle. A quick flash of memory jolted through her mind, Sandy's necklace.

"It's beautiful thank you," Mac said giving him a kiss and shaking off her thoughts. This wasn't Sandy's, how could. Brett barely knew her and this stone had an elegant silver design wrapped around the stone.

"Yes, well I've had it at my house forever and you see it's silver so I've never really found the right person to give it to, well until you," Brett said smiling, but it quickly turned into a frown. "Look Mac I like you, but I just want you to know we aren't exclusive. I am gone for some time and I don't want you to wait for me and I don't want to wait for..."

"Me?" Mac said gruffly.

"Sorry, there is no way to say that nicely."

"I guess not," Mac said. The horn went off again.

"It is time, I'll still miss you though," Brett said, he pecked Mac on the lips one more time but this time it wasn't a nice kiss and she didn't kiss back.

Mac just crossed her arms. Waving bye to him and his dad and they drove off.

"Stupid boys," Mac grumbled to herself while she walked over to the kitchen, she placed the necklace on the living room side table.

"What happened?" Susie asked once Mac got back to the kitchen. Mac just rolled her eyes and waved her hand. She didn't really want to talk about it.

"Um, so Mac can I copy your paper WWII paper," Ethan asked. Mac looked up confused.

"Shit, that is due tomorrow isn't it. Mother....Shit....Damnt...." Mac said she slammed her hands breaking the table in half. "Shit...fu....shit..." Mac stumbled over.

"I'm guessing you forgot to write it?" Justin asked looking at the food that was now covering the floor.

"You think?" Mac asked in the most sarcastic voice she could muster.

"Time to go." Brad said running into the kitchen, he stopped looking at the floor, "or not?"

"Don't worry I'll take care of it," Allen said.

"Me too," Blake agreed already handing Phoebe the plates.

"You don't have to," Mac said defeated.

"We don't mind, plus you aren't forcing me and you are busy, not sitting on your ass watching me clean," Allen said starting to pick up the broken plates.

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